Nutritional food security and neurodevelopment in children under three years of age from the Canipaco Valley, Perú.
retraso del crecimiento, carne de cuy, anemia, inseguridad alimentaria, retraso neurológico.Abstract
Objective: To determine the association of nutritional food security with the neurodevelopment of children under three years of age from families in the Canipaco Valley. Methodology: Cross-sectional observational analytical study. The neurodevelopment of 109 children was evaluated. Results: The mean age of the children is 34 months (58.7%). 41.28% of children have mild anemia, 43.12% moderate anemia and 2.75% severe anemia; only 12.85% normal hemoglobin. 17.43% of the children evaluated with severe chronic malnutrition and 27.52% chronic malnutrition, 55.05% normal. 20.2% have a risk of neurological development and 68.38% delay in neurological development. 34.9% mild food insecurity and 65.4% moderate food insecurity were determined. Anemia and neurodevelopment (βi 6.086; 95% CI: 4.268-51.786 p value = 0.012), chronic malnutrition and neurodevelopment (βi 1.258; 95% CI: 0.268-17.453 p value = 0.036), water consumption and tea mate during the six months of life (βi 2.254; p value = 0.033), inadequate iron supplementation during pregnancy of the child surveyed and neurodevelopment (βi 1555; p value = 0.024). He receives care from the SIS and neurodevelopment (βi 1528; p-value = 0.017). Frequency of vegetable oil/fat consumption and neurodevelopment (βi1.382; 95% CI: -19.451-7.938 p value = 0.0541), consumption of guinea pig meat and neurodevelopment (βi 1.005; 95% CI: 0.090-2.873 p value = 0.018). Absence of dogs and cats at home and neurodevelopment (βi 1.829; 95% CI: 19.154-19.837 p value = 0.009). A significant association was found between food insecurity and child neurodevelopment (p = 0.023; PR 4.467; 95% CI: 1.248-15.987). Conclusions: The risk of delay in the child's neurodevelopment is 4.4 times higher for a child who lives in a family with mild and moderate food insecurity. of the Canipaco Valley.
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