Mental health and anthropometric indicators in university students of health sciences, Lima-Perú


  • Roosvelt David León Lizama Universidad Tecnológica del Perú
  • Anibal Gustavo Yllesca Ramos Universidad Privada del Norte
  • Christopher Brain Rosas Choo Universidad Científica del Sur
  • Jannet Carolina Antón Huiman Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Florentina Gabriela Vidal Huamán Universidad Privada del Norte



Mental health, nutritional status, anthropometry, university students, body fat.


Introduction: Mental health includes social, psychological and emotional well-being, and any imbalance of this generates limitations in physical, personal, community and socioeconomic development, while anthropometric indicators are important body measurements for the determination of nutritional status.

Objective: To identify the relationship between mental health and anthropometric indicators in university students of a private university in Lima-Peru.

Material and methods: The sample consisted of 128 university students of health sciences (physical therapy and rehabilitation, nutrition and dietetics) of both sexes, with an average age of 24 years. Anthropometric measurements of weight (kg), height (cm), circumferences (cm) and skinfolds (mm) were taken. Body mass index, waist hip index and body fat percentage were evaluated. Mann-Whitney U and Spearman's Rho statistical tests were performed.

Results: Body mass index was 43% normal followed by 42.2% overweight. The waist hip index was low 57.8%, moderate 22.7% and high 19.5%. In the percentage of fat, 71.9% was normal, followed by 18.8% with a low level. Regarding mental health, a relationship was identified between depression, anxiety and stress with body mass index (p= 0.010) and fat percentage (p= 0.002). Females presented a higher percentage of fat than males (p=0.001), regarding waist hip index, males presented a higher value than females (p=0.001).

Conclusions: It is concluded that there is a relationship between mental health with body mass index and body fat percentage.


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How to Cite

Gomez Rutti, Y. Y., León Lizama , R. D. ., Yllesca Ramos, A. G. ., Rosas Choo , C. B. ., Antón Huiman, J. C. ., & Vidal Huamán , F. G. (2023). Mental health and anthropometric indicators in university students of health sciences, Lima-Perú. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 43(4).