Consumption´s frequency of sugar sweetened beverage in a university population with knowledge about health in Mexico.


  • Analy del Carmen ARIAS CABANILLAS 6691470550
  • Alma Alejandra NORIS QUINTERO
  • María Guadalupe ORTIZ BRAMBILA
  • Nancy Karely LEYVA LÓPEZ



Bebidas Azucaradas, Prevalencia, Educación para la Salud, Estudiantes Universitarios, Ciencias de la Salud, México


Introduction: In México the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) is very high, it is the largest consumer of soft drinks in the world, which has negative consequences on health. On the other hand, FAO recognizes the importance of education as a tool to improve the health and nutrition of the population through food-nutrition education.

Aim: Identify the prevalence of the frequency and quantity of consumption of sugary drinks in young people enrolled in bachelor's degrees related to health sciences.

Material and methods: Quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive study, with a population size of N=245 students enrolled in educational programs corresponding to the areas of health sciences, with a 95% confidence interval and a 4.9% confidence limit. For the questionnaire, the Beverage Questionnaire (BEVQ-15) instrument was used, adapting it to the sociocultural context and availability of beverages of the target population.

Results: The majority of young people expressed yes to consuming sugary drinks (82.8%), the type of sugary drinks consumed were soft drinks (42%), natural flavored waters sweetened with sugar (38.4%) and flavored dairy products ( 28.6%).

Discussion:Students have a habitual habit of consuming sugary drinks, with high calorie content without a nutritional contribution beneficial to health. One might think that when studying a degree in the area of ​​Health Sciences, this consumption should be limited. However, consumption is high.

Conclusions:These data offer a starting point to analyze the importance of health education, especially in students in the area of ​​Health Sciences, to propose concrete and practical actions that can promote a reduction in the consumption of sugary drinks.


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How to Cite

ARIAS CABANILLAS, A. del C., NORIS QUINTERO, A. A., ORTIZ BRAMBILA, M. G., & LEYVA LÓPEZ, N. K. (2024). Consumption´s frequency of sugar sweetened beverage in a university population with knowledge about health in Mexico. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 44(1).



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