Violation of the right to food for children: Analysis of Non-compliance with child support in Peru and the potential role of the Nutritionist.




Human Rights, Human Right to Adequate Food, Food security, Child Welfare, Peru



Background: Noncompliance with child support payments has a negative impact on the protection of children, increasing the risk of malnutrition and food insecurity. Family relationships and trust in the justice system can also be affected.

Objective: To describe the characteristics of monthly child support debts in Peru, according to the geographic area and jurisdiction of the judicial authority.

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted by analyzing the cases of child support debt from 2019, according to the Register of Delinquent Child Support Debtors (REDAM) of the Judiciary of Peru. A descriptive analysis of child support debt by region and jurisdiction of the judicial authority was carried out.

Results: 750 records of child support debtors were included, and it was identified that only 0.53% of the debtors paid off their debt. Differences were found in child support debt between the regions of Peru. Human development indicators and vulnerability to food insecurity had a similar trend as child support payments among the regions of Peru.

Conclusion: Child support debts were characterized as coming mostly from employed males, and more cases of debtors were identified in the Peruvian highlands.

Keywords: Human Rights, Human Right to Adequate Food, Food security, Child Welfare, Peru (Source: MeSH NLM)



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How to Cite

Daga, R., Guerra-Apolinario, J., Morales, G., & Mantari, J. A. (2024). Violation of the right to food for children: Analysis of Non-compliance with child support in Peru and the potential role of the Nutritionist. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 44(1).



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