Dietary patterns, body composition and caloric content of breast milk in nursing mothers.


  • Carlos Luis POVEDA LOOR
  • Humberto Miguel MARENGO GALLARDO
  • Walter Adalberto GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA
  • Karla Gisella VELÁSQUEZ PACCHA



Eating behavior, body composition, human milk, mothers, infants


Introduction: Breast milk is a complete food in nutrients, which is why the mother must receive a balanced diet that allows her to cover her own nutritional requirements and that of the infant.

Objective: To determine the eating patterns, body composition and caloric content of breast milk in lactating mothers.

Materials and Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out. It included 377 lactating women who attended the Gyneco-Obstetric Center (CEDIAGO) in the city of Guayaquil-Ecuador in 2018 and 2019. Eating patterns were identified through the application of the 24-hour recall questionnaire and the food frequency survey. Body composition was assessed by determining body mass index and body fat percentage. The caloric content was estimated with the amount of crematocrit or fat in breast milk.

Results: The eating patterns of those investigated were characterized by an adequate intake of dairy products, fruits, cereals, meats, vegetables and vegetables. Fast foods, snacks, pastries, processed foods and soft drinks were consumed in excess. Both the BMI and the percentage of fat were found in ranges of overweight and obesity. Finally, the caloric content of breast milk had an average of 918.8 ± 221.4.

Conclusions: The mother's diet is essential during the lactation period, since the nutrients ingested in the diet influence the nutritional content of the milk and directly the child's health status.

KEYWORD: Eating behavior; body composition, human milk; mothers; infants.


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How to Cite

YAGUACHI ALARCÓN, R. A., POVEDA LOOR, C. L., BULGARIN SÁNCHEZ, R. M., MARENGO GALLARDO, H. M., GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, W. A., ESTRADA RODRÍGUEZ, D. R., & VELÁSQUEZ PACCHA, K. G. (2022). Dietary patterns, body composition and caloric content of breast milk in nursing mothers. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 42(4).



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