Influencia del estado nutricional en la calidad de vida de adultos mayores con cáncer de estómago




Stomach Cancer, Nutritional Status, Eating Habits, Quality of Life, Oncology, Gastrectomy


1) Introduction: The quality of life of the elderly deteriorates at an accelerated rate by the presence of stomach cancer, due to the internal or external changes suffered during the process of this disease. Determine the nutritional status in older adults with stomach cancer to improve the quality of life in patients who attend the Dr. Abel Gilber Potón Hospital of Guayaquil 2) Materials and methods: the implemented was descriptive, correlational, with a qualitative, and semiquantitative design. The sample is made up of 70 patients from the hospital's oncology area between the ages of 65 and 90 years. 3) Results: it was found that the age range is frequently 65 ± 70 years in 41%; regarding the male sex, predominate in 60%; in the mestizo ethnic group, 77% prevail; regarding the body mass index, 61% are underweight; according to subjective global assessment, stage B of stomach cancer occurs more frequently; based on the classification by stages, stage IV is 41.4%; the suggested treatment was total gastrectomy in 52.8%; it should be noted that in quality of life, a relationship with moderate nutritional status was identified in: difficulty concentrating 44%; depression 64%; and memory loss 55%; pain 56%: loss of appetite 64%; nausea 64%; and diarrhea 54%. 4) Conclusion: It must be taken into account that gastric cancer is a neoplasm that generates high mortality and affects the quality of life, which is why adequate Diet Therapy must be established according to the individual requirements of the patient, also considering the preferences, culture and side effects such as organoleptic alterations that occur due to treatment, psychosocial support from the environment is also important.

Author Biographies

Marlene Elizabeth Sánchez Mata, Docente

Universidad Estatal de Milagro (UNEMI)

Cargo: docente

Lorena Daniela Domínguez Brito, Docente

Universidad Estatal de Milagro (UNEMI)

Cargo: docente


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How to Cite

Cárdenas Plúas, G. Y., Sánchez Mata, M. E., & Domínguez Brito, L. D. (2024). Influencia del estado nutricional en la calidad de vida de adultos mayores con cáncer de estómago. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 44(1).