Factors associated with anemia in pregnant women admitted to reference hospitals Puno (Peru).





Anemia, Associated factors, Hemoglobin, Pregnant, Iron


Introduction: Anemia in pregnant women constitutes a public health problem in the world, due to the increase in iron needs, due to the expansion of the erythrocyte mass of the placenta and the fetus. Objective: To determine the associated factors with anemia in pregnant women from reference hospitals of Puno-Perú 2018. Materials and methods. It was a descriptive and retrospective study. A sample of 3192 perinatal medical records was obtained from the Perinatal Information System (SIP) database. Considering the variables hemoglobin level, maternal age, gestational age, pregestational BMI, interpregnancy period, parity and level of education. The effect of the trimester of gestation on the hemoglobin level was determined using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple comparison of means using Tukey's test. The relationship between the presence of anemia and the factors evaluated was determined using the Chi square test, considering statistical differences when the p value was less than 0.05. The statistical analysis was performed using the Minitab statistical package, version 20. Results: 31.4% of anemia was found in the evaluated population, finding a significant association between the presence of anemia, gestational age, pregestational BMI and parity (p<0.001). The percentage of anemic pregnant women differs significantly between gestational age groups (p<0.05), and between parity groups (p<0.05), being lower in primiparous and higher in highly multiparous. There is no significant difference in the percentage of anemic pregnant women between age groups, interpregnancy period and level of education (p>0.05). Discussion: A greater frequency of anemia has been demonstrated in pregnant women as gestational age advances, becoming more critical in the third trimester as well as in thin pregnant women with BMI <18.5 and multiparous. Conclusions: Gestational anemia was associated with the factors gestational age, pregestational BMI and parity.

Author Biographies

Maria Luz Cueva Rossell, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina

Licenciada en Nutrición Humana, magister en Salud Pública, candidato a Doctor en Nutrición; laboro como especialista en Nutrición Clínica en el hospital Regional Manuel Núñez Butrón de la ciudad de Puno - Perú; con experiencia en docencia universitaria de la Univesidad Nacional del Altiplano - Puno como profesional de Nutrición Humana.

Sixto Leonardo Reyna Gallegos, Departamento de Veterinaria, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias Universidad Técnica de Manabi. Ecuador

Docente principal de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Portobiejo, MAnabí, Ecuador

Maria Elena Villanueva Espinoza, Facultad de Zootecnia, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Lima, Perú

Profesora Principal D.E. (Nutrición)


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How to Cite

Cueva Rossell, M. L., Reyna Gallegos, S. L., & Villanueva Espinoza, M. E. (2024). Factors associated with anemia in pregnant women admitted to reference hospitals Puno (Peru). Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 44(2). https://doi.org/10.12873/442cueva



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