Analysis of food advertising and its relationship with childhood obesity


  • Carmen MARTÍN SALINAS Adenyd
  • María SOTO NUÑEZ Enfermera



Food advertising, television, childhood obesity, ultra procesed foods


Objective: to explore the available literature on food advertising to determine its influence on the eating habits of children and young people.

Method: a search was carried out in the databases: Pubmed, Cinahl and Cochrane Library, in the electronic library Scielo and Google Scholar. Those studies that presented scientific evidence on the influence of food advertising on obesity, published in English or Spanish, after 2010 and focused on the child population were selected.

Results: 22 articles were included for the review, all of them focused on food advertising and its negative influence on consumption and on the eating and shopping habits of the child population. Exposure to food advertising is found to contribute to a positive energy gap, which could cumulatively lead to the development of overweight and obesity, as many of the advertisements do not meet explicit regulatory standards. In turn, food advertising and the media use emotional strategies and exert great pressure for more industrial food to be consumed.

Conclusions: knowledge of the enormous volume of food advertising broadcast on targeted television channels can be useful to guide the prevention of childhood overweight and obesity,  and highlights the need for interventions by health and school authorities, as well as the responsible commitment of the advertising sector and the media.


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How to Cite

MARTÍN SALINAS, C., & SOTO NUÑEZ, M. (2021). Analysis of food advertising and its relationship with childhood obesity. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 41(4).





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