Cardiometabolic risk in a colombian population with dietary profile low in fiber and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Diabetes mellitus tipo 2, obesidad, índices aterogénicos, índices antropométricos, factores de riesgo y encuesta frecuencia de alimentosAbstract
Introduction: Apparently healthy people are defined as people with normal body mass index (BMI) and normal blood pressure. Risk factors for metabolic and cardiovascular diseases can go unnoticed on this population. Early identification of risk factors for metabolic alterations can delay the development of pathologies, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and its complications, which currently cause disability and death globally.
Objective: To evaluate metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors in apparently healthy Colombian adults between 40 and 70 years of age.
Methods: Volunteers were selected without antihypertensive or hypoglycemic medication, among other drugs. Basal glucose and complete serum lipid profile, anthropometric measurements and body composition were determined in each participant. The Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC), a food frequency and sociodemographic survey were completed.
Results: 535 volunteers completed the inclusion criteria. 70% of whom presented altered BMI. In 57%, a risk of developing DM2 within 10 years was detected, assessed between moderate and high by FINDRISC. Hyperglycemia was found in 23%, 2% in the diagnostic range for T2DM. Some form of dyslipidemia was found in 86% of the population and 66% presented cardiovascular risk. The nutritional analysis of macronutrients allowed detecting deficiency in the consumption of fiber, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Conclusions: A medical evaluation, with implementation of easily accessible and applicable tools such as FINDRISC, anthropometric and atherogenic indices, it was possible to detect in an apparently healthy population, alteration of BMI, with high cardiovascular risk and to DM2. The dietary pattern with Western-type characteristics may be one of the causes of the increase in the percentage of cardiovascular disease risk factors and metabolic alterations.
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