Association between depression and malnutrition in the elderly in a district of the Peruvian central highlands during the pandemic


  • Liliana Mucha-Samaniego Escuela de Medicina, Universidad Continental. Huancayo, Perú
  • Milena Huaman Escuela de Medicina, Universidad Continental. Huancayo, Perú
  • Jose Armada Escuela de Medicina, Universidad Continental. Huancayo, Perú
  • Christian R. Mejia Universidad de Huánuco. Huánuco, Perú.



Elderly, Aged, Health of the Elderly, Elderly Nutrition, Depression, Depressive Disorder


Introduction: Depression is a frequent mental health problem in the elderly, being related to malnutrition; and it is known that this mental problem increased during the pandemic. Objectives: To determine the association between depression and malnutrition in the elderly in a district of the Peruvian central highlands during the pandemic. Methodology: Cross-sectional-analytic study. We studied 450 older adults over 60 years of age, attended during the pandemic in the Pilcomayo health establishment, in Huancayo-Peru. The Mini-Nutritional Assessment test and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15) were used. Descriptive and analytical statistics were obtained. Results: The prevalence of depression in the elderly was 55%. In the multivariate analysis, an association was found between nutritional status and the degree of depression: mild (p=0.017), moderate (p<0.002) and severe (p<0.001); as well as with having comorbidities (p=0.027) and having incomplete primary education (p<0.017). Discussion: A significant association was found between malnutrition and each of the degrees of depression suffered by older adults in the Peruvian highlands; in addition, one out of every two elderly had some degree of depression. This shows the important affectation of this vulnerable population, which should be taken into account by the governing institutions in order to carry out an in-depth evaluation and generate intervention programs for the improvement of mental health and nutrition.



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How to Cite

Mucha-Samaniego, L., Huaman, M., Armada, J., & Mejia, C. R. (2023). Association between depression and malnutrition in the elderly in a district of the Peruvian central highlands during the pandemic. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 43(4).



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