Validation of visual estimation with photographs to measure lunch food waste in older adults at a Peruvian national hospital.
Desnutrición, Desperdicio alimentario, método fotográfico, estimación visualAbstract
Introduction: During hospitalization, the elderly usually reduce their food intake, which increases the risk of complications. This affects their recovery, causing a longer hospital to stay and impacting their state of health. The objective of the study was to validate the visual estimation method with photographs by comparing it with the food weighing method in a hospital setting. Methods: Non-experimental, cross-sectional, and correlational research was carried out with a sample of 71 trays of older adults aged 60 to 80 years with a gastrointestinal tract suitable for receiving food and who were prescribed a complete diet during their hospitalization between August and September 2019. It was applied descriptive statistics and differential calculation to compare the weights of the trays between the visual estimation method with photographs and the food weighing method. Results: The level of evaluation of the two variables was equivalent to Linear R2 = 0.998. Likewise, the Pearson Correlation had a level of 0.01 (bilateral). On the other hand, during the 4-week evaluation, the preparation with the least food waste was chicken, fish or meat (10%), on the other hand, the greatest food waste was soup (17.1%). However, 28.6% did not present food waste. Conclusion: The visual estimation method using photographs is valid to measure food waste, since it was similar to the food weighing method in a hospital setting. This shows a new tool as an indicator in the evaluation of older adults, and with photography the quality of the food offered to older adults could be evaluated.
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