Characterization of body composition and hydration status in adolescent table tennis and basketball athletes from Chile.
athlete, table tennis, basketball, body composition, hydration statusAbstract
Introduction: The body composition and anthropometric characteristics of the players are factors that can influence sports performance. Additionally, body shape and size can provide a mechanical advantage during play. Furthermore, sports performance is negatively affected by dehydration, being responsible for the deterioration of the technical skills of athletes.
Objective: To characterize the body composition and hydration status in adolescent tennis and basketball players from Santiago de Chile
Materials and Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study, in 20 athletes, of which 9 were table tennis players and 11 male basketball players from Santiago, Chile. Body composition, body mass index, muscle/bone index and hydration status were determined. Each participant signed an informed consent. For statistical analysis, the p value was calculated using the student t test. The level of significance was established at 5%.
Results: The body composition of the players was: Adipose tissue: 28.25%; muscle tissue: 46.08%; bone tissue: 10.25%; residual tissue: 9.65% and skin tissue: 5.75%. Bone tissue (p=0.000) and residual tissue (p=0.004) were greater in basketball players and adipose tissue was greater in table tennis players (p=0.040), presenting significant differences. The Urine Specific Gravity was 1.024 g*mL-1 ± 0.007 g*mL-1 and 70% of those evaluated were dehydrated.
Conclusion: Table tennis players have greater adipose tissue, sum of 6 skinfolds, body weight and BMI. Basketball players have more muscle and bone tissue. The athletes evaluated present levels of dehydration, impacting sports performance. The work of the nutritionist is vital to promote adequate nutrition and hydration during training and competitions.
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