Body dissatisfaction and eating disorders in acrobatic gymnasts as a function of competition level





Gymnastics, Acrobatic gymnastics, eating disorders, Body Dissatisfaction, National


Introduction: In gymnastics sports, including Acrobatic Gymnastics (AG), there is a prevalence of Eating Disorders (ED). One of its main causes lies in body dissatisfaction. Therefore, the objectives of this study were: a) to know and compare the risk of ED and body dissatisfaction in a group of national level GA athletes at two levels of competition, b) to estimate if there are gymnasts who meet any of the criteria for referral to a health centre.

Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with the participation of 74 national female gymnasts in the Youth and Age Group categories. Height and weight measurements were used to find body mass index (BMI) and bodyfold for % body fat (%BF).

The Eating Disorders Inventory (EDI 3-RF) and the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) were used for the variables Body Dissatisfaction and the EDI 3-RF was also used for the variable EDI 3-RF for the variable ED.

Results: The results showed that there are low percentages of gymnasts at risk of ED, finding body dissatisfaction as a possible antecedent for the presence of these disorders.

Conclusions: The higher category age group gymnasts stand out for a higher risk of developing ED and body dissatisfaction, as they present higher levels of Obsession for thinness, bulimic behaviours and body dissatisfaction, but without significant differences. Signals a possible onset of risk in higher categories.


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How to Cite

SALAS-MORILLAS, A., GUTIÉRREZ-SÁNCHEZ, Águeda, PELÁEZ-BARRIOS, E. M., & VERNETTA-SANTANA, M. (2024). Body dissatisfaction and eating disorders in acrobatic gymnasts as a function of competition level. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 44(3).