Sexual dimorphism of growth and body composition in the child-youth population of Puerto Madryn (Chubut, Argentina)


  • Bárbara NAVAZO Laboratorio de Investigaciones en Ontogenia y Adaptación (LINOA, FCNyM- UNLP)
  • Evelia Edith OYHENART
  • Silvia Lucrecia DAHINTEN



Argentinean students, malnutrition, adipose tissue, muscle tissue


Introduction: Analysis of body composition is essential in assessing nutritional status of the individual. It consists of quantifying the body components and their variability during growth and between sexes.

In Argentina there are few studies on the nutritional status and body composition of child-youth populations that include the analysis of sexual dimorphism.

Objective: To analyze whether the expression of sexual dimorphism in growth and body composition registers modifications according to the nutritional status of schoolchildren aged 6 to 14 years, residing in Puerto Madryn (Chubut, Argentina).

Material and methods: A cross-sectional anthropometric study was carried out, with males and females, aged 6-14 years, attending schools in Puerto Madryn. Nutritional status was determined according to the IOTF, differentiating thinness, overweight, obesity and normonutrition. Regarding body composition, adipose distribution, fat and fat-free masses and Frame Index were analyzed. Graphical comparisons were made using percentage differences between means (PDM%) to analyze variations in growth and body composition of the malnourished.

Results: The sample included 2732 schoolchildren (56.5% presented normal nutrition, 2.9% thinness, 26.0% overweight and 14.6% obesity). Based on decimal age, each participant was assigned to prepubertal (48.4%) and pubertal (51.6%) age group. Analysis of sexual dimorphism showed significant differences between sexes in normalnourished, overweight and obese prepubescent, while these were found in all cases among pubertal subjects. PDM% were positive for normalnourished-thin; while for normalnourished-overweight and normalnourished-obese they were negative.

Conclusion: In the child-youth population of Puerto Mardyn, the greatest variations between males and females were found in those with normonutrition and those with overweight. Likewise, muscle and bone component show greater development in males, while the adipose component registers higher values in females.


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How to Cite

NAVAZO, B., OYHENART, E. E., & DAHINTEN, S. L. (2021). Sexual dimorphism of growth and body composition in the child-youth population of Puerto Madryn (Chubut, Argentina). Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 41(3).



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