Somatotype and anthropometric failure in children enrolled in football clubs in Palpalá (Jujuy, Argentina)
Anthropometry, malnutrition, adiposity, schoolchildren, soccerAbstract
Introduction: The somatotype is a method that quantifies body shape and composition and, in conjunction with other anthropometric indicators, enables a comprehensive analysis of nutritional status. The Extended Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (ECIAF) simultaneously combines different categories of malnutrition, providing a more precise nutritional diagnosis on vulnerable population.
Objective: To analyze the variability of the somatotype components in relation to the nutritional status evaluated through the ECIAF in children who practice football in municipal clubs in Palpalá city (Jujuy, Argentina).
Methods: Cross-sectional and descriptive study. Anthropometric data of 144 males between 5 and 13 years old were collected, following the ISAK (International Society for Advancement of the Kinanthropometry) protocol. Somatotypic profiles were calculated and the ECIAF was constructed. Descriptive statistics were estimated and comparisons were made between age groups (5 to 8 and 9 to 13 years) and anthropometric failure status using Generalized Linear Latent Variable Models (GLLVM).
Results: The analyzed sample presented a 63.9% of anthropometric failure, where Category G (weight excess) made the greatest contribution. In agreement, the endomorphic component was mainly predominant and increased significantly with age. Children classified with anthropometric failure exhibited alterations in the entire somatotypic profile, with higher endomorphy and mesomorphy along with significantly lower ectomorphy.
Conclusions: The somatotype components showed variation depending on the nutritional status defined by the ECIAF, which would show particular configurations of the somatotype profile for each anthropometric failure categories. The complementarity between both methods is useful for the anthropometric evaluation of malnutrition.
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