Risk of arterial hypertension in health personnel, through a regression model


  • Janet del Rocío Gordillo Cortaza Universidad de Guayaquil
  • Giomar Rebeca Viteri Gómez Hospital Universitario de Guayaquil
  • Jesús Orlando Matute Fernández Hospital Universitario de Guayaquil
  • Yeniffer María Brito Tovar Hospital Universitario de Guayaquil
  • Luis Roberto Miranda Cali Hospital Universitario de Guayaquil
  • Yanina Teresa Ochoa Montoya Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil
  • Rosa Quintana Columbus Universidad de Guayaquil
  • Paula Alexandra Torres Flores Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil
  • Ema Michelle Medina Moreno Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil
  • América Nancy Vásquez Rodríguez Universidad de Guayaquil
  • Luis Pavel Palomino Quispe Universidad César Vallejo
  • Yuliana Yessy Gomez Rutti Universidad Privada del Norte




Hypertension; Weight; Sex


Introduction: Arterial hypertension is among the five main causes of disability and death in the world. The main factors associated with the presence of arterial hypertension are age, the presence of a family history, obesity among others.

Objectives: Determine the risk of arterial hypertension in health personnel through a regression model.

Methods: Cross-sectional study, access was obtained to the electronic medical record of the occupational medicine department; consists of a sample of 748 health workers. The multiple regression model was used, using the Minitab version 18 program.

Results: The age range was from 22 to 75 years, 481 were women ( =42.05 years, DE=9.96) and 267 men ( =41.26 years, DE=10.19). the weight was  = 75.896 kg and the systolic pressure  = 118.65 mmHg. Age is related to the change in weight, for each additional year in chronological age, weight can be expected to increase by an average of 1.7 kg. Systolic blood pressure increases as weight increases. Likewise, for each additional mmHg in systolic blood pressure, it can be expected that weight increases by an average of 0.8466kg and increases 0.8870 in age and the fact of being a man increases by 11.3.

Conclusion: Systolic blood pressure is related to weight and sex. Furthemore, being male and/or older and with weight gain increases the risk of suffering from systolic blood pressure. The model can be useful in the diagnosis of systolic blood pressure in health personnel.


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How to Cite

Gordillo Cortaza, J. del R. ., Viteri Gómez , G. R. ., Matute Fernández, J. O. ., Brito Tovar, Y. M. ., Miranda Cali, L. R., Ochoa Montoya, Y. T. ., … Gomez Rutti, Y. Y. (2023). Risk of arterial hypertension in health personnel, through a regression model. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 43(3). https://doi.org/10.12873/433gomez



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