Breakfast quality, physical activity and nutritional status in schoolchildren from riosenses, Ecuador
Breakfast; Exercise; Nutritional StatusAbstract
Introduction: The school breakfast provides energy to start their academic work, its intake is essential to guarantee an optimal nutritional state and physical activity contributes to physical well-being.
Objectives: Determine the relationship between the quality of breakfast, physical activity with nutritional status.
Methods: Cross-sectional study, based on a two-stage sample stratified by conglomerates. The sample was 699 students, 341 were women and 358 were men from the Miguel de Cervantes Basic Education educational center in the period from November 2022 to January 2023. The statistical analyzes were used with the SPSS version 27 software. The Chi test was used. square.
Results: The nutritional status of the children was 58,23% was normal, 18,3% overweight, 11,16% obese. The students presented an incomplete breakfast intake of 48,93% and a poor quality breakfast of 39,91%. The physical activity of the students was light 83,1% and moderate 16,7%. Regarding the relationship between the quality of breakfast and physical activity, it was significant (p<0,00), also with the nutritional status weight/height (p<0,000) and height/age (p<0,000).
Conclusions: There is a relationship between the quality of breakfast with physical activity and the nutritional status of schoolchildren. Educational programs on food and nutrition should be implemented to improve the quality of the diet.
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