Burnout syndrome, nutritional status and eating behavior in health workers.


  • Carlos Luis POVEDA LOOR
  • Melissa Michael SÁNCHEZ BRIONES
  • Elsa Melissa ZUÑIGA CARRERA
  • Gabriela Haydee VEGA AMAYA
  • María del Rocío PARADA ROMO




Burnout syndrome, status nutritional, Eating behavior, Anthropometric parameters, Health workers



Introduction: Burnout syndrome or professional exhaustion appears as a response to chronic stress at work, with negative consequences at an individual and general level.Objective: Determine the presence of burnout syndrome, nutritional status and eating behavior in health workers. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive and observational study. To identify the presence of Burnout syndrome, the Maslach Burnout Inventory questionnaire was applied. To assess the nutritional status, anthropometric data were taken and eating behavior was identified with the semi-quantitative questionnaire on frequency of food consumption.Results:  The research sample consisted of 142 women and 91 men who represented 60.9% and 39.1% respectively. The eating behavior was characterized by an insufficient consumption of dairy products, vegetables, fruits, meats, breads and cereals. Regarding the anthropometric characteristics related to nutritional status, it was found that the highest percentage of those investigated had a prevalence of excess weight of 78% and a cardiovascular risk of 91%. In the 3 subscales that assess the presence of burnout syndrome, it was observed that both the emotional exhaustion and depersonalization components are low, reflecting 60.9% and 53.6% respectively. While the dimension of personal fulfillment is high, evidencing 63.1%.Conclusions: In the study population there are no indications of the presence of burnout syndrome, however, a lower percentage of health workers present emotional exhaustion (19.3%), depersonalization (25.8%) and low personal fulfillment (19.7%). Therefore, it is recommended to seek strategies to reduce the administrative burden and reduce the level of job burnout in those who suffer from it and prevent it in those who present risk factors.


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How to Cite

YAGUACHI ALARCÓN, R. A., POVEDA LOOR, C. L., MONCAYO VALENCIA, C. J., SÁNCHEZ BRIONES, M. M., ZUÑIGA CARRERA, E. M., VEGA AMAYA, G. H., & PARADA ROMO, M. del R. (2023). Burnout syndrome, nutritional status and eating behavior in health workers. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 43(4). https://doi.org/10.12873/434yaguachi



Research articles
