Influence of pre-surgery nutritional intervention on the hospital stay in patients with digestive cancer.


  • Paula Nebot Meneu Servicio de Farmacia Hospitalaria Hospital de La Plana (Vila-real, Castellón)



Desnutrición, cáncer digestivo, estancia hospitalaria, suplementación nutricional


Introduction: Hospital malnutrition in digestive cancer
patients requiring surgery has a high prevalence and represents an increase in post-surgical complications, hospital stay and its associated costs.
Objectives: The main objective is to analyze whether presurgery nutritional intervention in patients with digestive cancer has an impact on hospital stay. The secondary objectives are to analyze the nutritional status before surgery, to see if there is correlation between nutritional analytical markers and the length of hospital stay and between receiving preoperative nutritional intervention and the evolution of anthropometric parameters

Material and Methods: Prospective 1-year study in which
88 patients with digestive cancer requiring surgery were included. The hospital stay was compared between a group of these patients who received nutritional intervention presurgery and another group that did not receive it.
Results: 47 patients were included in the intervention
group and 41 in the control group. Among the patients evaluated (intervention group), malnutrition was 29,5% before surgery and 64% after surgery. Oral nutritional supplementation reached 80% of malnourished or at-risk patients, starting in 51% of them before surgery. Significant differences of less than 5 days of hospitalization were observed in patients in the intervention group.
Discussion: The difference in the days of hospitalization in
the intervention group could be due to the intervention and
nutritional supplementation prior to surgery since both received nutritional treatment during hospitalization in the same proportion.
Conclusions: The nutritional assessment of these patients
prior to surgery allows us to detect patients at risk of malnutrition or already established malnutrition and significantly reduce hospital stay by up to 5 days.


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How to Cite

Nebot Meneu, P. (2024). Influence of pre-surgery nutritional intervention on the hospital stay in patients with digestive cancer. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 44(1).



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