Relationship of biochemical markers with sociodemographic factors in patients with hematological neoplasms. Multiple correspondence analysis.
Neoplasias hematológicas, marcadores bioquímicos, sociodemográficosAbstract
Introduction: Hematologic neoplasms are a group of cancerous diseases that can involve systems and organs. These pathologies represent different treatment approaches and prognostic measurements, such as biochemical values and demographic data.
Objectives: To investigate the relationship between biochemical markers and sociodemographic factors in patients with hematologic neoplasms.
Materials and Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted by collecting and reviewing data from the medical records of hospitalized patients in the hematology department. The sample included 62 patients. A multiple correspondence analysis model was used.
Results: Participants' ages ranged from 25 to 44 years (64.52%); additionally, 67.64% were male, and 30.65% experienced weight gain. Men (29.03%) had a higher tendency to gain weight compared to women (1.61%). Furthermore, it was observed that albumin, phosphorus, and total protein values are related to sex and body weight variation.
Conclusions: The variables sex, albumin, phosphorus, and total proteins are associated with weight variation in patients with hematologic neoplasms.
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