Psychological aspects of a group of patients with obesity, candidates for bariatric surgery.


  • Paulo GONZÁLEZ-SEPÚLVEDA Umiversidad abierta y a distancia UNAD.
  • Elcy Yaned Astudillo Muñoz Universidad libre Pereira
  • Manuela GÓMEZ ARANGO Universidad de San Buenaventura
  • Steven ARANGO TRUJILLO Universidad de San Buenaventura
  • Marisol ALBA SARMIENTO Universidad de San Buenaventura



Obesity, Malnutrition, Mental health, Depression, Women, Psychopathology, Anxiety


ABSTRACT: This research shows the most relevant aspects of the relationship, symptoms and factors among obesity and mental health. Its objective is to review the psychological factors associated with the growing problem of malnutrition. Taking into account the materials and methods, the document has a quantitative approach. It is a prospective transversal with a level of descriptive analysis, where the main psychological aspects related to obesity are discussed, through a study made to a group of 30 women with excess malnutrition and candidates to bariatric surgery. In the results obtained through the applied tests it was identified that, on average, each woman presents three pathological symptoms related to mental health as a major depressive episode, risk of suicide, life-long anguish disorders and generalized anxiety.  


On the other hand, it was found that 28.97% of the evaluated population presents trait anxiety, which indicates that this aspect is more linked to their personality. Likewise, 80% of the sample manifested a constant presence of somatic symptoms added to the physiological problems that obesity brings with it, being the exhaustion of one of a more significant presence. It is established that women candidates for bariatric surgery present comorbidity with anxiety, distress, depression and suicidal risk, so they should have psychological and multidisciplinary attention. 


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Como Citar

GONZÁLEZ-SEPÚLVEDA, P., Astudillo Muñoz, E. Y., GÓMEZ ARANGO, M., ARANGO TRUJILLO, S., & ALBA SARMIENTO, M. (2021). Psychological aspects of a group of patients with obesity, candidates for bariatric surgery. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 41(2).



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