Screen time, physical activity, sleep time and eating habits in schoolchildren in a pandemic


  • Alcides FLORES PAREDES Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Puno, Perú



Physical activity, sedentary behavior, school health



Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic has modified the daily activities of people worldwide and the time of schoolchildren in front of a screen has increased, producing physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyle.

Objective: To determine the relationship of time in front of the screen (television, computer, cell phone, tablets) with physical activity, sleep time and eating habits in schoolchildren aged 6 to 12 years from Juliaca during confinement.

Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional multiple correlational study was carried out, which included 305 schoolchildren (164 women and 141 men) with an average age of (9.09 ± 1.99). The information was collected through online questionnaires: screen time, physical activity and eating habits.

Results: Males will spend more hours in front of a screen during the week (20.7%) from 6-7 hours a day, (11.5%) from 8-9, (3.0%) > 10, in contrast to women (13.4%), (5.6%) and (1.0%). Women show low levels of physical activity (26.2%) compared to men (6.2%). In terms of sleep time, women (41.3%) sleep 8-9 hours, unlike men (31.5%). In the eating habits, the inadequate diet prevailed in the schoolchildren. There is an inversely proportional Spearman's Rho correlation between the variables screen time with physical activity and eating habits of -0.191 and -0.197 with a value of (p<0.05).

Conclusions: it was determined that schoolchildren spend more time in front of a screen during and at the weekend, the level of physical activity decreased substantially, the hours of sleep were modified, and eating habits are inadequate as a result of the pandemic.

Keywords: Physical activity; sedentary behavior; school health.


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How to Cite

FLORES PAREDES, A., & COILA PANCCA, D. (2022). Screen time, physical activity, sleep time and eating habits in schoolchildren in a pandemic. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 42(2).



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