Healthier and more sustainable school canteens to combat the climate emergency.
Comedores escolares más sanos y sostenibles.
school meals, school canteen, child nutrition, sustainable food, dietary recommendation complianceAbstract
Introduction: To combat the climate emergency and promote children's health, a change towards diets with less food of animal origin and more of plant origin is necessary, as well as the use of organic, seasonal and local products. The aim of the study is to analyze the improvements of the school menus of the educational centers participating in the pilot test of the project "Healthier and more sustainable school canteens" and describe the actions carried out to contribute to the improvement of these menus during the academic year 2020- 2021.
Methodology: Pilot evaluation (pre-post) within the framework of a non-experimental study in primary schools in the city of Barcelona. The study sample was of convenience, six voluntary public schools were chosen. Information was collected using two questionnaires. The intervention was carried out in five phases: 1) Information, awareness, dissemination of the project, registration and initial training; 2) Analysis of the starting situation; 3) Design and planning of the action plan; 4) Implementation of the actions; 5) Evaluation of the results.
Results: In relation to the composition of the menu, all the centers have improved. In relation to sustainability, most of the schools worked with local vegetables and fruits (69%), the percentage of incorporation of organic food was low (45%). Most did not work with a short marketing circuit and there was a high percentage of schools that did not know the food item.
Conclusion: It is important to set the objectives and involve the families and the dining room committees from the beginning of the project, promote the participation of the students, offer training to the kitchen staff, adapt the food item and know the casuistry of each center. Time and dialogue between all the parties involved are required for a comprehensive and successful transformation of the school canteen.
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