Concept of healthy body image in Spanish women


  • Diana Sorina TULICIU



IMC, imagen corporal, salud, obesidad, sobrepeso


Introduction: For the prevention and treatment of eating disorders and obesity, the population should have an adequate perception of a healthy body image. 

Objective: The aim was to evaluate the perception of healthy body image among Spanish women according to their nutritional status diagnosed by body mass index (BMI).

Material and Methods: This work was carried out on 7,008 Spanish women, between 18 and 75 years old. Weight and height were measured to calculate the BMI and categorize it according to the Worl Health Organization (WHO). Each participant completed a silhouette questionnaire in which she indicated that considered to be the healthiest. Mean and Standar deviation were calculated to describe the profile of anthropometric parameters and  ANOVA was carried out to compare variation with age. A Chi-Square test was used to analyze the association between the nutritional category of BMI and the nutritional category considered "healthy" based on the silhouette test. The relationship between the ideal of a healthy image and the autonomous community of residence was also analyzed. 

Results: A significant association between nutritional status and healthy body image perceived was detected. The identification percentage of a silhouette representative of "normal weight" as a healthy body image  ranged from 94% (in normal weight women), 92% (in overweight women), dropping to 88% (in obese class 1) and 83%  (in obese class 2 and 3). No woman chose a silhouette corresponding to an obese BMI as a reference for a healthy image.  As for the silhouette identifying overweight, it was chosen as healthy in a variable proportion between 2% (Madrid) and 15% (Balearic Islands).

Conclusions: There is a significant relationship between nutritional status and body image considered healthy. The higher the BMI of women, the greater the tendency to choose a representative image of overweight as the ideal of health.


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How to Cite

GONZÁLEZ-BARROS MEDINA, F., THEM ÁLVAREZ, M., TULICIU, D. S., CARRACEDO AÑÓN, J., ALAMINOS TORRES, A., & MARRODÁN SERRANO, M. D. (2023). Concept of healthy body image in Spanish women. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 42(4).



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