Consumption of ultra-processed foods and somatotype in students of a public educational institution in the Peruvian Amazon.


  • Segundo Israel Tulumba Avidón Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



somatotipo, endomorfismo, mesomorfismo, ectomorfismo, alimentos ultraprocesados, índice de masa corporal, escolares


Materials and Methods: qualitative research approach,
with a non-experimental, transversal and correlational design.
The final sample of the study was made up of 171 students
from the third, fourth and fifth grades of secondary school
during the academic period corresponding to the year 2022.
It included students who provided informed consent and assent, under 18 years of age and with current registration. The anthropometric assessment was performed using the Heath Carter method; The measurement of the level of consumption of ultra-processed foods was carried out through a food consumption frequency survey.
Results: 47.4% of the population presents endomorphism
as the predominant biotype, with a greater presence of the
female population, 36.3% of the population presents a mesomorphic biotype and 16.4% presents an ectomorphic biotype.
When evaluating the consumption of ultra-processed foods, it was determined that 57.8% of the population shows a high consumption of ultra-processed foods, with a greater presence of the male population; that 32.2% have irrigation consumption and that 9.4% have low irrigation  consumption. The results indicate that there is no  statistically significant relationship between the consumption of ultra-processed foods and the type of somatotype present in the study population.
Conclusion: Despite the high consumption of ultraprocessed foods, no association was found with somatotype, because there are several factors that determine somatotype in this age group. It is necessary to carry out more research, using non-traditional nutritional indicators in schoolchildren from the Peruvian Amazon.

Author Biography

Segundo Israel Tulumba Avidón, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Licenciado en Nutrici´´on, egresado de la maestria en Nutrición Clínica en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.


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How to Cite

Tulumba Avidón, S. I., & PALOMINO QUISPE, L. P. (2024). Consumption of ultra-processed foods and somatotype in students of a public educational institution in the Peruvian Amazon. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 44(2).



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