Body composition, eating habits and physical activity in university students. Lima-Perú.


  • Patricio Ramos Padilla
  • Haydeé Cárdenas-Quintana
  • Sheyla Stefany Gutiérrez-Asencios
  • Verónica Delgado-López



nutritional status, eating habits, physical activity, university students, body composition


Introduction: In the current epidemiological and nutritional context, knowledge about the eating habits, lifestyles, and nutritional status of young university students is urgently needed.
Objective: To identify body composition, dietary habits, and physical activity in university students.
Methods: cross-sectional observational study (n = 118). The variables analyzed were: age, sex, weight, height, BMI, body fat mass, skeletal muscle mass, visceral fat, and waist circumference, eating and physical activity habits. An OMRON bioelectrical impedance digital scale was used. Intake of dietary sources of fat, fruit, vegetables, and fiber was obtained with the Block Screening Questionnaire. The brief International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was used to assess physical activity.
Results: Skeletal muscle mass was greater in males (38%) than in females (25%). The opposite case was observed in body fat content: 37% in females and 24% in males. Females (37%) had a higher percentage of body fat than males (24%). All these differences are statistically significant (p-value < 0.05). In terms of dietary habits, 19% presented a high and very high-fat diet, and in terms of consumption of fruits, vegetables, and fiber, less than 1% presented normal consumption. Regarding physical activity, 46% reported high physical activity, 52% moderate, and 2.5% low activity. No statistically significant differences were found for the study variables according to age ranges (< 19 years vs. >=19 years).
Conclusions: Body composition allowed us to quantify the body reserves of the students' organisms; the percentage of these body components was variable and depended on sex. A low percentage of students presented adequate consumption of fruits, vegetables, and fiber. Men have a higher level of physical activity.


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How to Cite

Ramos Padilla, P., Cárdenas-Quintana, H., Gutiérrez-Asencios, S. S., & Delgado-López, V. (2024). Body composition, eating habits and physical activity in university students. Lima-Perú. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 44(2).



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