Comparative study of the nutritional quality of ultra-processed foods according to two nutrient profile models.


  • Andrea Milagros ALBORNOZ PINEDO Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



nutrientes críticos, advertencias nutricionales, modelo OPS, modelo MAP, octógono nutricional


Introduction: The technological revolution in the food industry and globalization have led to food modernization. There is greater availability and consumption of industrialized foods high in simple sugars, sodium, saturated and trans fats.

Objective: Compare nutritional quality through two nutrient profile models in ultra-processed foods sold in supermarkets.

Methods: Non-experimental, transversal, descriptive-comparative research. The nutritional information declared on the labels of a total of 585 commercialized ultra-processed foods was analyzed. Data collection was carried out through a collection form with a photographic record of the food label; It was collected during the period May to June 2022. The nutritional quality was evaluated through the PAHO model and the MAP of Peru. To compare and determine the agreement between the two, the non-parametric Kendall's W test was used.

Results: 39.01% of ultra-processed foods analyzed did not comply with the limits of the OPS model and 33.7% did not comply with the MAP model. When analyzing the critical nutrient sodium, 29.4% did not comply with the OPS model, and according to the MAP model it was 18.2%; Regarding sugar content, 64.2% did not comply with the OPS model and 56.7% with the MAP model; in saturated fats, 57.4% and 50.3% did not meet the limits of the OPS and MAP model respectively; and finally, in trans fats, 5% did not comply with the OPS model and 9.3% did not comply with the MAP model. When comparing the nutritional quality of both nutrient profile models in ultra-processed foods, a p value <0.05 was obtained.

Conclusions: When comparing both nutrient profile models, significant differences were found; The OPS model presented the greatest number of criteria that are not met in ultra-processed foods sold in supermarkets.

Author Biography

Andrea Milagros ALBORNOZ PINEDO, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Licenciada en Nutrición, egresada de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.


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How to Cite

ALBORNOZ PINEDO, A. M., & PALOMINO QUISPE, L. P. (2024). Comparative study of the nutritional quality of ultra-processed foods according to two nutrient profile models. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 44(2).



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