The effect of the "Tusuy" nutritional program on body composition and emotional well-being in people with Down syndrome.


  • Marilu Karina Palacios Tello UNIVERSIDAD CESAR VALLEJO
  • Gianinna Amalia Yapias Mendoza UNIVERSIDAD CESAR VALLEJO
  • Luis Pavel Palomino Quispe Universidad César Vallejo
  • Patricia María del Pilar Vega González UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL MAYOR DE SAN MARCOS



intervención nutricional, valoración corporal, perímetro abdominal, baile, síndrome de Down, bienestar emocional


Introduction: Down syndrome is a genetic condition
that affects humans physically and cognitively. Nutritional
programs based on promoting physical activity improve
muscle hypotonia and emotional well-being in people with
Down syndrome. 

Objective: To evaluate the effect of the “Tusuy” nutritional program on the body composition and emotional wellbeing of people with Down syndrome, during eight weeks of
Material and methods: Research with a quantitative approach, experimental design, pre-experimental level. The final sample was made up of 25 people with Down syndrome, with regular attendance at the dance workshop; People with a severe diagnosis of Down syndrome were excluded. The Tusuy nutritional program lasted eight weeks, which included the dance workshop, educational sessions to improve nutrition, and monitoring of parents via WhatsApp. Abdominal perimeter was measured using a Lufkin measuring tape, recorded on an anthropometric sheet; Emotional well-being was evaluated through the psychological well-being scale, validated through expert judgment. To compare the results before and after the intervention, the non-parametric Wilcoxon statistical test was used.
Results: Before the intervention, when analyzing the abdominal perimeter, 36% were found to be at very high risk, with an average of 91.17 ± 11.39 cm; Likewise, 64.0% presented psychological well-being. At the end of the intervention, 20.0% presented very high risk; the average abdominal perimeter was 89.18 ± 11.84 cm; 98.0% presented psychological well-being. When comparing both experimental groups, a p value <0.05 was obtained.
Conclusion: The “Tusuy” nutritional program, which lasted
eight weeks of intervention, improved body composition and emotional well-being in people with Down syndrome.

Author Biographies

Marilu Karina Palacios Tello, UNIVERSIDAD CESAR VALLEJO

Licenciada en nutrición egresada de la Universidad César Vallejo

Gianinna Amalia Yapias Mendoza, UNIVERSIDAD CESAR VALLEJO

Licenciada en Nutrición egresada de la Universidad César Vallejo

Luis Pavel Palomino Quispe, Universidad César Vallejo

Docente universitario en la escuela de nutrición de la Universidad César Vallejo

Patricia María del Pilar Vega González, UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL MAYOR DE SAN MARCOS

Docente universitario en la escuela de Nutrición de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



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How to Cite

Palacios Tello, M. K., Yapias Mendoza, G. A., Palomino Quispe, L. P., & Vega González, P. M. del P. (2024). The effect of the "Tusuy" nutritional program on body composition and emotional well-being in people with Down syndrome. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 44(2).

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