Food intake associated with chronic malnutrition in Peruvian children under 5 years of age with and without breastfeeding.


  • Nataly Dolores Bernuy Osorio Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
  • Janet Del Rocio Gordillo Cortaza Universidad de Guayaquil
  • Marco Alexi Taboada García Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
  • Isabel Margot Acevedo Rique Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
  • Eduardo Edison Vélez Pillco Universidad Estatal de Milagro



Lactancia materna; Crecimiento; Ingesta de alimentos; Niños, Factores de riesgo


Objective: To determine food intake associated with chronic malnutrition in Peruvian children under 5 years of age with and without breastfeeding.

Material and methods:  The design of the research is non-experimental, quantitative, observational, descriptive and cross-cutting.  The sample included 12,183 children under the age of 5 and the study was a secondary analysis of the 2022 National Demographic and Family Health Survey database.  The binary logistic regression statistical model was used.

Results:  Infants without breastfeeding do not consume water (p=0,001, OR=1,269), fruit juice (p =0,001, OR =1,256), any food made from cereals (p=0,015, OR=1,279), Rice meat, liver, other intestines (p=0,008, OR=1,209), chicken, fish, seafood, mondongo, other meats (p<0,009, OR=1.206) and dark-green leafy vegetables (p=2.029, OR=1.156), there is a greater risk of chronic malnutrition; moreover, those who did not eat gaseous beverages and broth (p=0,011, OR=0.850) have a lower risk of developing chronic undernourishment.  Amateur children who do not consume tea or coffee (p=0,013, OR=0,860) and social papillons (p =0,028, OR =0,612) have a lower risk of chronic malnutrition.

Conclusions:  Non-lactating children who did not consume soft drinks and broth are less likely to develop chronic malnutrition, however, breast-feeding children who do not drink tea or coffee and are influenced by the Peruvian government's social programs have a lower risk of chronic undernourishment.


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How to Cite

Gomez Rutti, Y. Y., Bernuy Osorio, N. D., Gordillo Cortaza, J. D. R., Taboada García, M. A., Acevedo Rique, I. M., & Vélez Pillco, E. E. (2025). Food intake associated with chronic malnutrition in Peruvian children under 5 years of age with and without breastfeeding. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 45(1).

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