Amino acid and fatty acid profile of instant kanji rumbi porridge as supplementary feeding for undernutrition children.


  • Sri Anna MARLIYATI IPB University
  • Suryana
  • Cesilia Meti DWIRIANI
  • Rosyanne KUSHARGINA
  • Andi Eka YUNIANTO



Amino acid, Amino Acid, Instant Porridge, supplementary feeding, undernutrition children


Background: Specific undernutrition interventions focused on children aged 6-24 months include exclusive breastfeeding and providing complementary food rich in animal protein and available locally for toddlers. Instant kanji rumbi porridge is a local food from Aceh.

Methods: The development of instant kanji rumbi porridge used an experimental design. Protein (Kjeldahl), amino acids (Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography/UPLC), and fatty acids (Gas Chromatography/GC-FID) were analyzed. Amino acid and fatty acid profile data were tabulated and analyzed descriptively.

Results: Kanji rumbi porridge had a protein content of 20.22 g/100 grams and met the established complementary food standards. It contained essential, non-essential, and conditionally essential amino acids with an Amino Acid Score of 61% and valine as the limiting amino acid. The product also has complete fatty acid content, especially omega 3, 6, and 9.

Conclusion: Instant Kanji Rumbi porridge can be a supplementary feeding for undernutrition children with protein, essential amino acids, and essential fatty acids.


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How to Cite

MARLIYATI, S. A., Suryana, KHOMSAN, A., DWIRIANI, C. M., KUSHARGINA, R., & YUNIANTO, A. E. (2025). Amino acid and fatty acid profile of instant kanji rumbi porridge as supplementary feeding for undernutrition children. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 45(1).