Eating habits and sleep quality in university students in times of COVID-19, Lima-Peru.


  • Florentina Gabriela VIDAL HUAMÁN autor
  • Marina VIDAL POZO
  • Yuliana GÓMEZ RUTTI



Universitarios, hábitos alimenticios, hábitos de sueño, comportamientos alimentarios, COVID-19


Introduction: Eating habits and sleep quality in university students are very changeable due to various factors, among them the confinement product of COVID-19, directly affecting
Objective: To determine the association between eating habits and sleep quality in university students in times of COVID-19, Lima-Peru.
Methods: The study was cross-sectional and correlational, university students participated and completed surveys on eating habits and sleep quality. The statistical analysis used the Chi-square test and Spearman’s Rho to evaluate the association.
Results: 300 students participated, 32.7% had “inadequate” eating habits, 33.3% “adequate”; likewise, 32.7% of the students obtained a poor sleep quality level. There is a relationship between both variables (p<0.001); with a weak association (correlation coefficient 0.370; p=<0.001).
Conclusion: There is a relationship between eating habits and sleep quality in students of public universities in Lima. It is recommended that universities carry out timely diagnosis
and educational interventions in nutrition and mental health while maintaining COVID-19 restrictions.


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How to Cite

VIDAL HUAMÁN, F. G., VIDAL POZO, M., HUILLCA MALDONADO, H., GUTIÉRREZ LUDEÑA DE CASTRO, E., CASTRO MATTOS, M., & GÓMEZ RUTTI, Y. (2022). Eating habits and sleep quality in university students in times of COVID-19, Lima-Peru. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 41(4).



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