Dietary, anthropometric and somatotype profile in university soccer players.


  • Carlos POVEDA-LOOR Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Nutrición y Dietética. Instituto de Investigación e Innovación en Salud (ISAIN)
  • Francisco Oswaldo LARA-VEGA
  • Nicole Andrea ALTAMIRANO-MORÁN
  • Nelson Xavier VÉLEZ-ZULOAGA



hábitos alimenticios, antropometría, somatotipo, estudiantes


Introduction: The practice of soccer at the university level may be conditioned to the development of academic activities, to the participation in social meetings, which reduce the time or frequency of sports practice, in addition to eating habits, as well as changes in body composition own at this age can be considered factors that influence the fulfillment of the goal of the athlete.

Objective: Determine the dietary, anthropometric, and somatotype profile in university soccer players.

Materials and methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional and observational study was carried out that included male university soccer players from a university in Guayaquil. Information was collected through a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire, a 24-hour recall, and a template for anthropometric data collection.

Results: The research sample consisted of 31 university students. The age range was between 19 to 27 years, with an average of 21.48 ± 1.9. The dietary profile was characterized by insufficient consumption of dairy products (67.7%), vegetables (80.6%), meat and poultry (58.1%), cereals and derivatives (51.6%), and legumes (58.8%), while fruits (58.1%) and snacks (61.3%) at recommended levels and the intake of fast foods and soft drinks at high levels with 87.1% and 67.7% respectively. The study population showed a tendency to alcohol consumption (83.9%), and low consumption of tobacco (87.1%). The average BMI value was 21.1 Kg/ m2   and the somatotype was endo-mesomorphic.

Conclusions:  Habits that can affect the health of the university soccer player were determined, although in this stage of study personal decisions are subject to a social environment. Correct control and follow-up must be carried out on the population that practices sports so that their nutritional status and their academic and sports performance are not affected.


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How to Cite

POVEDA-LOOR, C., YAGUACHI-ALARCÓN, R. A., LARA-VEGA, F. O., ALTAMIRANO-MORÁN, N. A., & VÉLEZ-ZULOAGA, N. X. (2022). Dietary, anthropometric and somatotype profile in university soccer players. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 42(4).



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