Effect of Opuntia ficus indica (purple prickly pear) fruit against paracetamol liver toxicity in rats.
Opuntia ficus, paracetamol, higado, transaminasaAbstract
Introduction: Liver diseases have as a common basis oxidative stress, which is caused by various factors such as ethanol consumption, drugs, overfeeding, viral infections, among others. Phytonutrients play a very important role in tissue regeneration processes at the liver level. Objective: To evaluate the hepatoprotective effect of Opuntia ficus indica fruit juice in rats with paracetamol poisoning. Method: The juice was obtained using a home-made juicer. The rats were divided into 6 groups (n=6), receiving the following treatments for 10 days: G-I and G-II: physiological saline solution; G-III silymarin 100 mg/kg; G-IV juice 2.5 mL/kg; G-V juice 5 mL/kg and G-VI juice 10 mL/kg. From the sixth day onwards, paracetamol 400 mg/kg was administered orally to G-II to G-VI. Results: Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels showed lower activity in G IV-VI, and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and Ɣ-glutamyltransferase (GGT) activity showed lower activity only in group G-VI. GV and VI presented higher albumin levels, however. G-IV and G-V expressed lower concentrations of total bilirubin compared to G-II, however, direct bilirubin levels did not show significant difference with group II. Hepatic index and lipoperoxidation (liver and serum) in G-IV and G-VI were lower than in G-II. Conclusions: Opuntia fruit juice from ficus indica “tuna” purple variety, has hepatoprotective effect.
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