Association between Risky Eating Behaviors and Biochemical-Anthropometric Variables in Older Adults from Northern Mexico.




Conducta alimentaria, adulto mayor, glucemia, colesterol, triglicéridos


Introduction: In Mexico, the number of older adults has increased, now representing 14% of the population. This stage of life is complicated by the development of chronic diseases that affect individuals in this age group. The nutritional challenges faced by older adults are influenced by various biopsychosocial factors, as well as physiological changes such as difficulty in chewing, reduced saliva production, and diminished sense of taste and smell, among others. These conditions can lead to the emergence of risky eating behaviors that negatively impact the nutritional status of older adults. Objective: To evaluate the association between risky eating behaviors (REB) and biochemical and anthropometric variables in older adults from northern Mexico. Materials and Methods: Anthropometric measurements of weight, height, waist circumference, neck, calf, arm, and wrist circumferences were taken. The Eating Behavior Questionnaire for Older Adults was applied. Blood pressure and biochemical variables, including hemoglobin, glucose, cholesterol, and triglycerides, were also measured. A Spearman correlation was used to determine the association between REBs and biochemical variables, and the Kruskal-Walli’s test was applied to compare REB dimensions and glucose concentrations. Results: A correlation was found between glucose concentrations and the dimensions of External Eating and Restrained Eating (RE). Additionally, for the RE dimension, statistically significant differences were observed between categories, showing an inverse trend between the median RE and glucose levels. Discussion: The results show a significant association between risky eating behaviors and biochemical-anthropometric variables in older adults from northern Mexico. These findings highlight the importance of addressing nutritional issues in this group, given their increased risk of developing complications associated with chronic diseases. Conclusions: Risky eating behaviors are common among older adults, with RE being associated with glucose levels.


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How to Cite

Márquez Ibarra, A. A., Valbuena Gregorio, E., Barrera Hernández, L. F., & López Mata , M. A. (2025). Association between Risky Eating Behaviors and Biochemical-Anthropometric Variables in Older Adults from Northern Mexico. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 45(1).

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