Obesity as a cause of non-work skills in construction companies, Lima 2011 - 2017
Concern exams, obesity, occupational health, PeruAbstract
Introduction: Obesity and overweight are global epidemics, that affects more than a third of the world's population and its impact on the activities of workers who are evaluated in occupational medical exams. Objective: To demonstrate the relationship between obesity and the occupational medical non-aptitude of workers in construction companies in Lima between the years 2011-2017. Methodology: Analytical cross-sectional study, developed in Lima through the review of the results of the worrying exams carried out in several medical centers for construction companies for various jobs. Association statistics of the multiple fitness associations were obtained according to the obesity of those evaluated. Results: Of the 6398 results of pre-occupational exams. Those who had some degree of obesity had percentages of non-fitness that exceeded 97%. There were differences in aptitudes between those who were overweight or obese according to their age (p<0.001), total cholesterol (p<0.001), HDL cholesterol (p<0.001), LDL cholesterol (p<0.001), triglycerides (p<0.001), glucose (p<0.001), systolic pressure (p<0.001), diastolic pressure (p<0.001), stress tests (p<0.001), EKG (p=0.001) and musculoskeletal test (p<0.001). Conclusion: If there is a relationship between obesity and reasons for the assessment of the occupational medical non-aptitude of workers in construction companies in Lima between the years 2011-2017.
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