Incidence of diabetes mellitus in healthcare personnel and family pathological history.


  • Guiomar Rebeca VITERI GÓMEZ
  • Erika Stefanía MERCHÁN MENÉNDEZ
  • María José RENDÓN COBOS
  • Emily Gabriela BURGOS GARCÍA
  • Yuliana Yessi GÓMEZ RUTTI



Incidence; Diabetes Mellitus; Health Personnel.



 Background: In diabetes mellitus there is an interaction between genetic and metabolic factors, and it increases when other antecedents are combined.

Objective: To determine the correlation of family pathological history and its incidence with diabetes in health personnel.

Methods: Cross-sectional epidemiological study of 191 workers, those with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus were excluded. The Tuomilehto and Lindström questionnaire was adapted and Spearman's Rho correlation was performed with the IBM-SPSS vs 27 program.

Results: The probability of acquiring diabetes with family pathological history was 0.615 (p<0.001); administrative personnel 0.684 (p<0.001) and assistants 0.604 (p<0.001), with physical activity 0.583 (p<0.001) and those who did not 0.661 (p<0.001); according to BMI, with overweight, 0.657 (p<0.001) and obesity, 0.411 (p<0.001). In male assistants with physical activity 0.701 (p<0.001), and increase to 0.709 (p=0.001) if overweight, in administrative women 0.674 (p<0.001), this value increases to 0.816 (p=0.001) when overweight.

Conclusions: There is a correlation between family pathological history and incidence of diabetes mellitus, with a greater influence on overweight health personnel.  

Key Word: Incidence; Diabetes Mellitus; Health Personnel. Source (MeSH)  


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How to Cite

GORDILLO CORTAZA, J., VITERI GÓMEZ, G. R., MERCHÁN MENÉNDEZ, E. S., RENDÓN COBOS, M. J., BURGOS GARCÍA, E. G., & GÓMEZ RUTTI, Y. Y. (2022). Incidence of diabetes mellitus in healthcare personnel and family pathological history. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 42(4).



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