Clinical outcome and associated factors in patients with COVID-19 admitted to an Intensive Care Unit.


  • Paola Frasinette de Oliveira ALBUQUERQUE SILVA IMIP
  • Claudette Xavier DO NASCIMENTO
  • Jéssica Cristina GUEDES LIMA DA SILVA
  • Camila LIMA CHAGAS
  • Danielle Erilane SILVA PEREIRA
  • María da Guía BEZERRA DA SILVA
  • Marília Tokiko OLIVEIRA TOMIYA



COVID-19, Coronavírus, Terapia Nutricional, Cuidados Críticos, Evolução Clínica


Introduction: The Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) is a
highly transmissible infection and is associated with greater
susceptibility to the development of malnutrition. Thus, enteral nutritional therapy must be integrated into the global
treatment of this condition.
Objective: To analyze the clinical, nutritional and biochemical factors associated with the clinical outcome of patients
with COVID-19 admitted to an Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

Methods: This is a case series, carried out from March to
July 2020, with data recorded in the nutritional monitoring
records of patients hospitalized with COVID-19. The variables
analyzed were: demographic (age and sex); clinical (comorbidities, underlying disease and outcome), anthropometric,
biochemical and nutritional support.
Results: The sample consisted of 102 patients, 65.7% had
the severe acute respiratory syndrome, the main underlying
disease observed was heart disease (23.5%) and 69.3% of
patients were discharged from the ICU. Regarding nutritional
variables, approximately 50% of patients received enteral
feeding and 73.3% started early. Concerning biochemical
markers, patients who died had higher C-reactive protein
(CRP)/albumin ratios (p=0.024) and CRP concentrations
(p=0.012) when compared to those who progressed to discharge from the ICU. In addition, it is observed that the elderly (adjusted HR = 3.62; 95%CI 1.19 – 10.97) and early initiation of enteral nutritional therapy (adjusted HR = 10.62;
95%CI 2.41 – 46 .87) were factors related to ICU discharge.
Conclusion: Monitoring the inflammatory process using
different markers seems to be a good parameter for the
clinical evolution of these patients. In addition, the benefits
of early enteral nutrition therapy may be associated with
better clinical outcomes and reduced complications during


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How to Cite

ALBUQUERQUE SILVA, P. F. de O., DO NASCIMENTO, C. X., GUEDES LIMA DA SILVA, J. C., LIMA CHAGAS, C., SILVA PEREIRA, D. E., BEZERRA DA SILVA, M. da G., & OLIVEIRA TOMIYA, M. T. (2022). Clinical outcome and associated factors in patients with COVID-19 admitted to an Intensive Care Unit. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 42(4).



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