Evaluation of changes in nutritional status and risk of developing cardiovascular disease in patients after kidney transplantation.
Antropometria; Transplante Renal; Estado nutricional; Doença cardiovascular; Doença Renal Crônica.Abstract
Introduction: the post-transplanted chronic kidney patient goes through a long and challenging path until he manages to live harmoniously with the new organ, his nutritional status will be directly affected in the course of the different stages that the patient will go through in this phase, the set of information that goes from the diet, biochemical tests, lifestyle and anthropometrics influence the assessment of this nutritional status.
Objective: this research is to analyze the relationship between nutritional status and the changes that usually occur in the late post-renal transplantation period and which may be linked to food consumption and/or changes related to the use of immunosuppressants and also due to chronic diseases with a later diagnosis to TR.
Method: This is an analytical retrospective cross-sectional study, with prospective aspects, which will be carried out after late RT through the collection of clinical, socioeconomic, demographic, anthropometric and biochemical data from patients at the nutrition clinic of the Instituto de Medicina Integral Professor Fernando Figueira.
Results: The sample consisted of 32 patients, the most common chronic diseases with RCV being SAH followed by DM, the nutritional status of the majority was eutrophic, but with risk associated with the development of cardiovascular diseases according to the evaluated methods.
Conclusion: Nutritional monitoring in these patients is extremely important to prevent the patient with nephropathy after kidney transplantation from developing CVD in the short term. In addition, the benefits of this follow-up are associated with better clinical evolution and reduction of complications that lead to the loss of the new organ.
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