Risk factors associated with acute respiratory diseases in hospital personnel
Factores de riesgo; Asociación; Enfermedades respiratoriasAbstract
Introduction: Acute respiratory diseases have increased their prevalence nationally and internationally. There are many factors that are involved in its improvement such as the environment, diseases and biochemical indicators.
Objectives: Determine the risk factors associated with acute respiratory diseases in Hospital personnel.
Methods: Cross-sectional study, the sample was 748 health workers attended in the period from November 2020 to January 2021 at the University Hospital of Guayaquil. The statistical analyzes were used with the R software in its version 4.2.1. The U-Mann-Whitney test was used to analyze whether there are significant differences between people with acute respiratory disease and those who do not. The chi-square statistical test to analyze whether there is statistical dependence between the qualitative variables and the acute respiratory disease, and finally, a logistic regression model.
Results: Those who present higher values of the quantitative variables present respiratory disease (p<0.000). There is an association between the qualitative variables with acute respiratory disease (p<0.05). The logistic regression model found that as the person's body mass index increases, the probability of having acute respiratory disease increases 2,251 times; as the person's age increases, the probability increases by 0.02 and as total body fat increases, the probability of having acute respiratory disease decreases by 0.052.
Conclusions: The quantitative and qualitative explanatory variables were statistically associated with the condition that the person has acute respiratory disease. Body mass index, age, and total body fat were more relevant in classifying people with acute respiratory disease.
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