
  • Nutr Clín Diet Hosp. (preliminar)
    Vol. 44 No. 3 (2024)

    This is the preliminary publication of the third issue of our journal. The final edition will close in September. In a few days the abstracts of the communications presented at the XVII International Congress of our Society held last March will be available.

  • Vol. 44 No. 2 (2024)

    After having concluded the XVII International Congress of our society, last March in Madrid, we publish the second issue of 2024 included in volume 44 of the journal.

    On this occasion, with 42 original articles that occupy more than 340 pages, which gives an idea of the spectacular international growth of our publication.

    We highlight the worldwide reach of the originals received beyond the traditional and invaluable contributions of Latin America.

  • Vol. 44 No. 1 (2024)

    During 2023, the journal received 194 originals, of which 93 were published and 53 were rejected. In this period, authors from Asian countries have been joining, which supports the growing prestige of the publication and the quality of our authors.
    We announce that in March (12th and 13th) the XVII International Congress of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics will take place in which our publication always plays a prominent role by publishing in a supplement the communications that are presented to it. Our authors can play a special role in this veteran conference.

  • Vol. 43 No. 4 (2023)

    'Mediterranean Diet 2023' is the cover of the fourth issue of the Journal that closes the year. This scientific meeting, held in November at the Complutense University of Madrid under the auspices of the local government, was the first that we hope to hold in consecutive years to contribute to the knowledge and revaluation of the Mediterranean diet and its benefits for health and the environment. Recordings of the lectures are available and accessible for free at: and

    We will close 2023 with a very notable increase in the articles received and published and with the incorporation of numerous non-Spanish-speaking authors. We hope to continue strengthening the impact of publication among journals in its field.

  • Vol. 43 No. 3 (2023)

    We are publishing the third issue of volume 43 of our publication. The final publication was made in September, since August in Spain is a month largely holiday.

    From this issue, we point out that Nutr Clín Diet Hosp. will have joined Scielo, the largest search engine for scientific articles in Spanish and Portuguese. In this way, we favor the dissemination of the works published with us.

  • Vol. 43 No. 2 (2023)

    The second issue of volume 43 is a reflection of the progress made by our publication and its increasing diffusion in different Latin American countries. Indeed, this issue, second of 2023, contains original articles by research teams and groups from Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile and Brazil. Likewise, they have joined as authors who wish to publish with us researchers from Indonesia.

    From this issue, to facilitate publication, the possibility of paying APC publication costs by credit card without going through the PayPal platform has been incorporated.

  • Vol. 43 No. supl. 1 (2023)

    This supplement, number 1 of 2023, includes the abstracts of the free communications presented to the XVI International Congress of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics of our society held together with the XXVII Conference on Practical Nutrition in March of this year.
    They are organized into three different sections: (a) Nutrition, clinical and applied nutrition; (b) Food science and technology and (c) Nutrition and society.


  • Vol. 43 No. 1 (2023)

    Recently held our XVI International Congress of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics (of which we will soon publish here the summaries of the numerous communications presented), we began the publication of the volume/year forty-three of the journal with its first issue. 

  • Vol. 42 No. 4 (2022)

    This is the last issue of volume number 42 that closes this year 2022.

    The next issue will coincide with the celebration of our XVI International Congress to be held in Madrid on March 15 and 16, 2023. As usual, the free communications presented to the congress will be published in a special monographic issue of the same and can be presented until March 1 from the website of the same.

    The congress is divided into three different sections:

    (a) Basic, clinical and applied nutrition; (b) Food science and technology and c) Nutrition and society.

    All information is available at:


  • Vol. 42 No. 3 (2022)

    The third issue of volume number 42 is already available and in preparation the fourth issue that will close soon 2022.

    On this occasion, you can find twenty original works totaling about 200 pages. This allows us to point out, without a doubt, the continuous interest that the food and nutrition sciences awaken among professionals. Also that our publication has a growing prestige thanks to the collaboration of so many authors and their high quality works.

    In the following issue (42.4) we will offer you information regarding the preparation of our next International Congress that we will celebrate in 2023.

  • Vol. 42 No. 2 (2022)

    Issue 2 (volume 42) of the Journal.

  • Vol. 42 No. supl. 1 (2022)

    This supplement, first of 2022, corresponds to the communications that were accepted to the XV International Congress of the Spanish Society of Dietetics (SEDCA), held last March, coinciding with the XXVI Conference on Practical Nutrition.  

  • Vol. 42 No. 01 (2022)

    Already held the XV International Congress of our Society, on March 29, 30 and 31, we published the first issue of 2022 (before I was in 'preliminary' format).

    Abstracts of the free communications presented to the aforementioned Congress will also be available shortly.

  • Vol. 41 No. 4 (2021)

    The volume corresponding to 2021 closes with this number 4. A fateful year if we talk about health on the planet due to the crisis caused by COVID. However, science has continued to work to improve the living conditions of the population. Proof of this is the volume of articles that have been sent to our publication even from countries that were not traditionally regulars of our magazine.

    We thank all the authors for the trust they give to our publication as well as the quality of their collaborations. In 2022 we hope to continue improving our content to reach an audience undoubtedly hungry for more solid and in-depth knowledge in nutritional matters.

  • Vol. 41 No. 3 (2021)

    Tras la adaptación a la nueva plataforma Open journal System (OJS), nuestra revista vuelve a publicar los habituales 22 - 23 artículos originales que veíamos editando hasta 2020. El cambio, en efecto, ha supuesto un incremento sustancial de originales recibidos y de su impacto en diferentes sistemas. 

    Próximamente, nuevos cambios y mejoras se irán publicando como, por ejemplo, la incorporación a diferentes bases de datos que mejoren la difusión de los originales publicados.


  • Vol. 41 No. supl. 1 (2021)

    Este suplemento nº 1 de 2021 contiene los resúmenes de las comunicaciones aceptadas a las XXV Jornadas de Nutrición Práctica y al XIV Congreso Internacional de Alimentación. Nutrición y Dietética celebrados el pasado mes de abril de 2021.



  • Vol. 41 No. 2 (2021)

    La publicación de este número de la revista coincide en el tiempo con la celebración del XIV Congreso Internacional de Alimentación, Nutrición y Dietética organizado por la SEDCA junto con las XXV Jornadas de Nutrición P´ractica. 

    Debido a la pandemia, su celebración ha tenido que realizarse en remoto (on line) y, aún así, varios cientos de profesionales de España y de distintos países hispanomericanos participaron y asistieron a las ponencias. 

    Por primera vez en estos Congresos, nuestra Revista dispuso de un espacio propio al que se invitó a presentar sus aportaciones a autores que habían publicado en el último número.

    Sus comunicaciones ya están disponibles libremente en el Canal de youtube de SEDCA y en este vínculo:



  • Vol. 41 No. 1 (2021)

    We publish this first issue of a year in which we hope that science will help solve as soon as possible the drama that the COVID-19 pandemic is causing across the globe. Indeed, 2021 will be the year when relatively widespread vaccination brings some normalcy back to our daily lives.

    In this first issue, by the way, our readers will find several very topical articles published around the effects of COVID on certain populations. In addition, authors from different Latin American countries and Spain contribute their knowledge and experience contributing to the better valued and treated chronic non-communicable pathologies.

    We note that next April will take place the XIV International Congress of the Spanish Society of Dietetics and Food Sciences (online format) in which our Journal will have its own space for some specially selected authors to communicate their research live to the rest of participants.

  • Vol. 40 No. 4 (2020)


    Se publica el último número de 2020 de nuestra Revista tras haber migrado a la nueva plataforma Open Journal System.

    La acogida de los autores ha sido excelente y, en breve, continuaremos avanzando en la mejora y el alcance de la publicación incorporando el reconocimiento automático de créditos a los revisores, entre otras mejoras.


  • Vol. 40 No. 3 (2020)

    In the penultimate issue of the year, and second edited with the new Open journal System platform,you can find25 articles where, as always, there is an outstanding participation of Latin American professionals, both in Spanish and Portuguese.


  • Vol. 40 No. 2 (2020)

      In summer 2020, our Magazine has migrated its usual format to adapt to the most common and disseminated system among scientific journals: the Open Journal System (OJS), which facilitates indexing and positioning in search engines of the originals published by incorporating better and more detailed metadata. In short, using OJS will ostensibly improve the dissemination and scope of the authors' work, further increasing the overall impact of the publication.
  • Vol. 40 No. 1 (2020)

    In 2020, our publication turns forty years since it began printing. They were modest principles, there is no doubt, both in dissemination and in content and size. Since then, the world of nutrition has grown dramatically in both Spain and Latin America. The big leap for scientific publications was undoubtedly when the traditional publication "on paper" was abandoned and we moved into the digital world.

    In this area, the Open Access format has been essential to ensure that all interested professionals can access studies and research for free. In our case, in addition, publication is also free of charge to authors (something truly exceptional in the publishing world).

    To give us an idea of the importance of this freely accessible digital world, we will say that in 2019 Nutr. clín. diet. hosp. reached a not insathible figure of 619,390 visits for the 834 different published pages. One of the articles published in 2019 reached only 81,380 readings (Ketogenic diets in the treatment of overweight and obesity. Covarrubias Gutierrez, P.; Aburto Galván, M.; Sámano Orozco, L. F. University of Morelia. Faculty of Nutrition) In 2018, readers were 410,561 and the most visited article (Nutrition and Metabolic Syndrome. Albornoz López, Raul; Pérez Rodrigo, Iciar. Reina Sofia University Hospital. Cordoba.) reached 41,665 readers.

    That is, between 2018 and 2019 there has been a 50.8% increase in the magazine's web visits. This increase denotes the growing interest in publication and is a clear support for the visibility and dissemination that all scientists seek and need in today's world.


    - All articles in issue núm. 40.1:

    Descargar PDF: Influencia de la canela en la diabetes
    (83,69 Kb)
      Influencia de la canela en la diabetes.   Martínez Pizarro, Sandra Recientemente se ha sugerido el uso de la canela para mejorar la situación clínica de los diabéticos. Los resultados de los estudios de los últimos años...


    Descargar PDF: Composición corporal y capacidad cardiorrespiratoria en deportistas universitarios de Manizales (Colombia)
    (351,06 Kb)
      Composición corporal y capacidad cardiorrespiratoria en deportistas universitarios de Manizales (Colombia).   Castiblanco Arroyave, Héctor David; Vidarte Claros, José Armando; Parra Sánchez, José Hernán Introducción: Además de conocer la capacidad cardio respiratoria en deportistas universitarios, es relevante encontrar relaciones con variables como el...


    Descargar PDF: Estudo randomizado de intervenção com dieta hiperproteica vs dieta de alto teor de carboidrato em idosas com excesso de peso submetidas a treino de força
    (216,23 Kb)
      Estudo randomizado de intervenção com dieta hiperproteica vs dieta de alto teor de carboidrato em idosas com excesso de peso submetidas a treino de força.   Diniz Araujo, Maria Lucia; Lima Barreto, Clarissa da Costa; Ferreira Lima, Crístenes Oliveira de Melo; Vagner Marcelino, José; Diniz, Alcides da Silva; Cabral, Poliana Coelho; Costa, André dos Santos Introdução: Estudos sugerem que dietas hipocalóricas ricas em proteínas podem ser mais eficazes na perda de peso e de gordura corporal do que dietas hipocalóricas...


    Descargar PDF: Concordancia entre dos ecuaciones para estimar el porcentaje de grasa corporal en deportistas universitarios de competición
    (419,17 Kb)
      Concordancia entre dos ecuaciones para estimar el porcentaje de grasa corporal en deportistas universitarios de competición.   Corvos, César Augusto; Rangel, Rubén Darío; Salazar, Armando David Introducción: Hoy en día, algunas ecuaciones para estimar el porcentaje de grasa corporal (%GC) en deportistas son aquellas en donde se emplean 4 y 6...


    Descargar PDF: Percepção de pais e responsáveis por crianças diagnosticadas com câncer: a gastronomia hospitalar em foco
    (210,29 Kb)
      Percepção de pais e responsáveis por crianças diagnosticadas com câncer: a gastronomia hospitalar em foco.   Fernandes, Rita de Cassia de Souza; Spinelli, Mônica Glória Neumann Introdução: Crianças com câncer apresentam dificuldades de aceitação alimentar no ambiente hospitalar, que podem impactar na recuperação e amenização...


    Descargar PDF: Picolés hiperprotéicos e hipercalóricos são uma boa alternativa dietética no tratamento de pacientes em terapia antineoplásica ambulatorial?
    (425,41 Kb)
      Picolés hiperprotéicos e hipercalóricos são uma boa alternativa dietética no tratamento de pacientes em terapia antineoplásica ambulatorial?   Rodrigues, Mônica Gemin; Sartori, Júlia de Oliveira; Amaral, Denise Johnsson Campos; Oliveira, Paola Dantas Pinheiro de; Rabito, Estela Iraci Introdução: A quimioterapia é um dos tratamentos para o câncer e os efeitos adversos implicam na alteração do paladar e redução da ingestão alimentar....


    Descargar PDF: Terapia Nutricional em pacientes oncológicos: Realidade de um hospital de referência em Pernambuco
    (366,84 Kb)
      Terapia Nutricional em pacientes oncológicos: Realidade de um hospital de referência em Pernambuco.   Guilherme, Larissa Gens; Bastos da Silva, Laís Leilane; Casado, Arthur Henrique da Silva; Burgos, Maria Goretti Pessoa de Araújo Introdução: o câncer aumenta o risco de desnutrição e desordens metabólicas, decorrente do tumor e/ou tratamentos anticancerígenos. A terapia nutricional...


    Descargar PDF: Valoración de los hábitos de alimentación en Educación Secundaria en la ciudad de Salamanca. Análisis según sexo y curso escolar
    (1,27 MB)
      Valoración de los hábitos de alimentación en Educación Secundaria en la ciudad de Salamanca. Análisis según sexo y curso escolar.   Guevara Ingelmo, Raquel María; Urchaga Litago, José David; García Cantó, Eliseo; Tárraga López, Pedro Juan; Moral-García, José Enrique Introducción. La adolescencia es un periodo clave para el establecimiento de la conducta alimentaria y para la promoción de una alimentación saludable....


    Descargar PDF: Efecto del ejercicio intenso en la respuesta de la hepcidina
    (338,31 Kb)
      Efecto del ejercicio intenso en la respuesta de la hepcidina.   Dominguez, Raúl; Vicente-Campos, Davinia; Iglesias López, María Teresa; Renguea, Alina2; Pérez, Margarita; López Chicharro, José Introducción: el sistema nervioso simpático modula muchas respuestas metabólicas y hormonales al ejercicio. No se conoce bien su influencia en los niveles...


    Descargar PDF: Adesão de pacientes com câncer de próstata às diretrizes preventivas de recidiva da doença
    (318,03 Kb)
      Adesão de pacientes com câncer de próstata às diretrizes preventivas de recidiva da doença.   Costa, Thainá de Fátima Moura; Sampaio, Helena Alves de Carvalho; Henriques, Eliane Mara Viana; Arruda, Soraia Pinheiro Machado; Carioca, Antônio Augusto Ferreira; Farias, Bianca de Oliveira Introdução: O câncer de próstata é o segundo tipo de câncer que mais acomete os homens no Brasil. A idade avançada, a alimentação inadequada e o aumento...


    Descargar PDF:  Evaluación de los niveles de zinc en muestras biológicas de pacientes hipertensos en Valladolid, España.
    (367,52 Kb)
      Evaluación de los niveles de zinc en muestras biológicas de pacientes hipertensos en Valladolid, España.   Dueñas Ricaurte, Juan; Ordoñez Araque, Roberto; Suarez Varela, María Morales


    Descargar PDF: Relación entre seguridad alimentaria y estado nutricional: abordaje de los niños indígenas del norte del Valle del Cauca, Colombia
    (407,83 Kb)
      Relación entre seguridad alimentaria y estado nutricional: abordaje de los niños indígenas del norte del Valle del Cauca, Colombia.   Cortázar, Paola Amanda; Giraldo, Nathalia; Perea, Leidy; Pico Fonseca, Sayda Milena Introducción: La seguridad alimentaria (SA) es el acceso físico, social y económico a los alimentos suficientes en calidad nutricional, cantidad e inocuidad,...


    Descargar PDF: Interés de los germinados y su Seguridad Alimentaria
    (671,39 Kb)
      Interés de los germinados y su Seguridad Alimentaria.   Ponce de León De Lama, Carolina; Torija Isasa, Esperanza; Matallana González, Mª. Cruz; Pintado García, Concepción Introducción: Los germinados son alimentos listos para el consumo cuyo uso está bastante extendido y de los que es necesario garantizar su inocuidad. Objetivos:...


    Descargar PDF: Estado nutricional antropométrico, nivel socioeconómico y rendimiento académico en niños escolares de 6 a 12 años
    (343,70 Kb)
      Estado nutricional antropométrico, nivel socioeconómico y rendimiento académico en niños escolares de 6 a 12 años.   Saintila, Jacksaint; Villacís, Johana Elizabeth Introducción y objetivo: el retardo del crecimiento es una manifestación de un estado nutricional inadecuado y, en los niños escolares, constituye un...


    Descargar PDF: Comportamiento alimentario entre pacientes con cáncer: un estudio transversal
    (423,05 Kb)
      Comportamiento alimentario entre pacientes con cáncer: un estudio transversal.   Samouh, Yassine; Benider, Abdellatif; Derfoufi, Sanae Introducción: la desnutrición es una complicación de alto riesgo para la salud que se produce con el cáncer, el deterioro del estado nutricional en pacientes...


    Descargar PDF: Efecto de las medidas de protección de la lactancia materna sobre sus tasas al alta en una unidad de neonatología de tercer nivel
    (459,43 Kb)
      Efecto de las medidas de protección de la lactancia materna sobre sus tasas al alta en una unidad de neonatología de tercer nivel.   Sánchez Ansede, Alba; Moreno Moreno, Lidia; Linares Ocampo, Paula; Fernández Pombo, Carmen Neri; Sancho García, Leonor; Ávila Álvarez, Alejandro; Eiriz Barbeito, Dolores Introducción: Proteger la lactancia de aquellas madres con deseo de lactar garantiza mejores resultados de salud en el neonato tanto a corto como a largo...


    Descargar PDF: Ganho de peso gestacional e comorbidades em puérperas do nordeste do Brasil
    (415,37 Kb)
      Ganho de peso gestacional e comorbidades em puérperas do nordeste do Brasil.   Soares, Ana Paula Costa; Costa, Taciane Cavalcanti Silva da; Cavalcanti, Rafaella de Andrade Silva Introdução: A gestação é um momento onde as mulheres sofrem muitas transformações físicas, psíquicas, sociais e culturais. Entre as modificações físicas,...


    Descargar PDF: Risco nutricional e desnutrição em pacientes portadores de doença hepática crônica de um hospital universitário
    (384,53 Kb)
      Risco nutricional e desnutrição em pacientes portadores de doença hepática crônica de um hospital universitário.   Sousa, Francisca Isabelle da Silva; Moreira, Tyciane Maria Vieira; Medeiros, Lívia Torres; Daltro, Ana Filomena Camacho Santos; Matos, Maria Rosimar Teixeira; Portugal, Mileda Lima Torres; Batista, Ana Clara Vital; Garcia, José Huygens Parente Introdução: a doença hepática crônica leva a diversas alterações orgânicas e funcionais que impactam sobre o estado nutricional. Objetivo: avaliar o...


    Descargar PDF: Fatores nutricionais associados ao ângulo de fase em pacientes pré-transplante de células-tronco hematopoiéticas
    (313,68 Kb)
      Fatores nutricionais associados ao ângulo de fase em pacientes pré-transplante de células-tronco hematopoiéticas.   Moreira, Tyciane Maria Vieira; Sousa, Francisca Isabelle da Silva; Medeiros, Lívia Torres; Aguiar, Ana Patrícia Nogueira; Viana, Ana Carolina Cavalcante; Mendonça, Priscila da Silva; Sampaio, Helena Alves de Carvalho; Daltro, Ana Filomena Camacho Santos Introdução: O ângulo de fase tem sido utilizado como parâmetro de avaliação nutricional em diversas condições clínicas, inclusive em pacientes oncológicos. Objetivo:...


    Descargar PDF: Composición corporal de deportistas universitarias de voleibol de Barranquilla, Colombia
    (316,02 Kb)
      Composición corporal de deportistas universitarias de voleibol de Barranquilla, Colombia.   Vidarte Claros, José Armando1; Sánchez Puce, Everardo Manuel La composición corporal se convierte en un predictor de la condición física, en las deportistas universitarias de competencia. Objetivo: Establecer la..
  • Vol. 40 No. suplemento 1 (2020)

    En Febrero de 2020 tuvo lugar la XXIV Edición de las Jornadas de Nutrición Práctica. En esta ocasión, coincidieron con el Ier Congreso de Historia de la Alimentación. Dentro de este Suplemento nº 1 del volumen 40 correspondiente a este año 2020, se han incorporado las Comunicaciones que se presentaron a las Jornadas en sus tres diferentes categorías: Nutrición, Ciencia y Tecnología de los alimentos y Digitalización.