Validated questionnaires in spanish for research on breastfeeding: A systematic review.


  • Salomé LAREDO
  • Jose Miguel SORIANO Universitat de Valencia



cuestionario, validación, lactancia materna, español, revisión


Background: In order to identify the factors that generate the low rates of Breastfeeding (BF) in the first two years of life, numerous investigations have been carried out worldwide. As part of these, questionnaires are developed to obtain relevant information on the identified problem, which could be valuable resources to be used by other researchers interested in the subject.

Objectives: To determine the availability of questionnaires for BF research, in specialized databases, that measure attitudes, knowledge and social support for BF, validated in Spanish.

Material and methods: A systematized review of primary articles on BF research was carried out, with questionnaires available in Spanish, published in the last 10 years in the databases: Pubmed, Embase and Web of Science using the descriptors “questionnaire, validation, breastfeeding, Spanish” and that they met the inclusion criteria of being translated, adapted and validated from English to Spanish or created and validated in Spanish.

Results: Nine scientific research articles have been obtained that met the criteria of: being available in English or Spanish, containing an instrument to investigate BF in

Spanish, and describing the process followed to determine validity. Five came from the English language, translated into Spanish and four originally has been built in Spanish.

Conclusions: Few studies contain questionnaires, supported by solid validation pillars for BF research, which can generate confidence for their use, and even more so in the Spanish language.



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How to Cite

DUQUE DE RODRÍGUEZ, G., LAREDO, S., & SORIANO, J. M. (2022). Validated questionnaires in spanish for research on breastfeeding: A systematic review. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 42(2).



