Degree of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and nutrient intake during the 24-hour shifts of the resident medical staff at the Reina Sofia Hospital in Cordoba, Spain.


  • Raquel Fradejas-Bayón Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía de Córdoba, España.
  • María Pilar Villena Esponera Maimonides Biomedical Research Institute of Cordoba (IMIBIC)
  • David Gonzalez de la Torre Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía de Córdoba, España.
  • Rafael Moreno-Rojas Departamento de Bromatología y Tecnología de los Alimentos. Universidad de Córdoba. Córdoba



Dieta mediterránea, Alimentación saludable, personal sanitario


Introduction: Various studies suggest that health personnel, who carry out 24-hour shifts and nightshifts, follow an unhealthy diet. A situation that directly affects their quality of life and that can affect the quality of patient care.

Objective: To assess the degree of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and nutritional status of the medical residents of the Reina Sofia de Córdoba University Hospital who carry out 24-hour shifts

Methods: Cross-sectional study with a sample of 35 medical residents. An application designed specifically for the study (App eFoodDiary) was used to collect information from two questionnaires of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and the daily food record of the day on duty, the previous and the subsequent one. The Multivariate General Linear Model (MLGM) was applied to the scores obtained by both tests (PrediMed and MedLife) and a correlation study between the scores of both questionnaires (ROC curves). For the nutritional assessment, a statistical study of the% RDI of the full day and by doses was carried out through the MLGM.

Results: The results show a lowad herence to the Mediterranean Diet of the participants (71%). Regarding the nutritional assessment, the results denote an energy intake lower than recommended and a diet that is not very balanced in terms of nutrients, highlightingan intake higher than the recommended protein and saturated fatty acids, and a deficit of iron intake among the women (p <0.001). During the 24-hour shifts, a higher intake of energy, carbohydrates, vitamin A and B6 is observed.

Conclusion: The low percentage of medical residents who follow a healthy diet appropriate to their nutritional needs, shows the importance of incorporating programs that improve the diet of this group.


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How to Cite

Fradejas-Bayón, R., Villena Esponera, M. P., Gonzalez de la Torre, D., & Moreno-Rojas, R. (2022). Degree of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and nutrient intake during the 24-hour shifts of the resident medical staff at the Reina Sofia Hospital in Cordoba, Spain. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 42(2).



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