Clinical and nutritional evolution of patients undergoing bariatric surgery in a reference hospital in the state of Pernambuco.
Bariatric Surgery, Comorbidity, Obesity, Weight lossAbstract
Obesity is a risk factor for chronic non-communicable diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Systemic Arterial Hypertension, dyslipidemia, among others. Gastroplasty is among the therapeutic alternatives with a good response on weight loss when physical exercise and diet were not efficient, resulting in better clinical control of associated comorbidities. Therefore, to analyze the clinical and nutritional evolution of patients undergoing bariatric surgery in a referral hospital in the state of Pernambuco, 12 months after the procedure, in order to observe the impacts of this therapy. A series of cases was carried out, which included individuals who underwent bariatric surgery and who had some comorbidity associated with excess weight. Data collection was performed at the nutrition clinic of Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira – IMIP, in the city of Recife-Pernambuco, from May 2021 to October 2021. Anthropometric, clinical and biochemical data were obtained. Forty individuals with a mean age of 43 ± 11.7 years were included in the study, with a predominance of females (92.5%), and the most common surgical technique was the Gastric Bypass (77.5%). A reduction in Glycated Hemoglobin was observed from 5.8% ± 0.5 preoperatively to 5.1% ± 0.2 at 12 months (p = <0.001), and a reduction in Total Cholesterol of 199.0mg/dL for 167.0mg/dL (p = <0.001) before and 12 months after gastroplasty, respectively. In addition to these, we observed a statistically significant improvement in all anthropometric and biochemical variables analyzed, except for fasting blood glucose. Such results can be explained from the alterations in the secretion of intestinal hormones, which help in better glucose, lipid and pressure control, in addition to weight loss. In addition to food reeducation and caloric restriction provided by nutritional monitoring and surgical intervention. Therefore, bariatric surgery seems to have a positive impact on the biochemical and anthropometric evolution.
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