Community development in the production of concentrated flour high in amino acids made from a combination of eel and tempe.
Community Empowerment, Eel and Tempe Flour, Amino Acid, Monopterus albus, Glycine max (L.) MerrResumo
Introduction and Objectives: To date, there are no known supplement products made from a combination of eel and tempe. The development of concentrate from eels in combination with tempe (ETF) aims to create supplements containing the essential amino acid L-arginine, which has many proven health benefits. Methods: The community empowerment was held from June to July 2023 at Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The main agendas consisted of ETF training production and the cooking creation of ETF-based food. Aside from that, there were several secondary agendas such as food halal socialization, accessories design training, patchwork utilization training, computer and Microsoft Office training, English language education, public speaking class, Al-Qur’an and miscellaneous education for children, community service, mutual cinema, and competitions for the community. Results: The community development program in the production of high-amino acid concentrated ETF flour has succeeded in achieving the three main objectives of the program, namely functional product innovation, empowerment of micro, small, and medium enterprises and local communities, as well as increasing demand for local commodities, showing the importance of collaboration between the government, community, and private sector in supporting the development of local products that are economically and health-beneficial and can be used as examples to share similar initiatives in other areas.
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