Effect of low glycemic index diet in obese women with hyperinsulinemia


  • Janet Gordillo Cortaza UNIVERSIDAD DE GUAYAQUIL
  • América Nancy Vásquez Rodríguez Universidad de Guayaquil
  • Walter Adalberto González García Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo
  • Gisella Katherine Sanclemente Lainez Hospital del día Mariana de Jesús, Guayaquil
  • Yanina Teresa Ochoa Montoya Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil
  • Yuliana Yessy Gomez Rutti Universidad Privada del Norte




Glycemic index; Insulin; Obesity


Introduction: Obesity in recent years has increased its prevalence nationally and internationally. Low glycemic index diets decrease weight and regulate insulin levels in obese patients.

Objectives: To determine the effect of a low glycemic index diet in obese women with hyperinsulinemia.

Methods: Analytical, comparative and longitudinal study. The sampling was non-probabilistic, of 102 women, 42 patients with a normocaloric diet of 2000 calories and 60 patients with a diet with a low glycemic index of 1300-1500 calories, for 4 months. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated, height and weight were measured with a stadiometer, with a SECA scale, waist circumference values ​​<88cm. Fasting triglycerides <150 mg / dL with Trinder colorimetric reagent kits and basal plasma insulin between 6-27 uIU / ml. The Wilcoxon and t-Student tests were performed to determine the effects of before and after the treatments.

Results: The women ranged in age from 24 to 69 years. In both diets a significant effect of weight loss (Δ-1,20; Δ-5,56), BMI (Δ-0,96; Δ-2,29) and waist circumference (Δ-4,88, Δ-5,03) were obtained (p <0.001). Triglycerides reduced their values ​​(Δ-5,76; Δ-14) but it was not significant in any of the diets and the low glycemic index diet showed a better reduction in insulin (Δ-1.54) (p <0.001).

Conclusions: Both diets reduce anthropometric indicators, the low glycemic index diet had a better effect in reducing plasma insulin levels, and neither diet was effective in reducing triglycerides.




How to Cite

Gordillo Cortaza, J., Vásquez Rodríguez, A. N., González García, W. A., Sanclemente Lainez, G. K. ., Ochoa Montoya , Y. T. ., & Gomez Rutti, Y. Y. (2023). Effect of low glycemic index diet in obese women with hyperinsulinemia . Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 43(1). https://doi.org/10.12873/431gordillo



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