Consumption of fruits, vegetables and mental health in health science students, Lima- Peru


  • Yuliana Yessy Gomez Rutti Universidad Privada del Norte
  • Roosvelt David León Lizama Universidad Tecnológica del Perú
  • Anibal Gustavo Yllesca Ramos Universidad Privada del Norte
  • Christopher Brain Rosas Choo Universidad Científica del Sur
  • Florentina Gabriela Vidal Huamán Universidad Privada del Norte



Consumo, frutas, verduras, salud mental.


Introduction: Plant antioxidants have the ability to scavenge excess free radicals, inhibit lipid oxidation and reduce hydroperoxide formation, which could protect the body from oxidative stress.

Objective: To identify the consumption of fruits, vegetables and their relationship with mental health in health science students.

Methods: Cross-sectional, correlational study, conducted in 510 students of public and private universities of health sciences. Data were obtained from two questionnaires, one on the frequency of consumption of 23 fruits and 17 vegetables and the other to measure the level of depression, anxiety and stress. The Chi-square statistical test was performed.

Results: 60.4% and 6.9% presented a high and mild level of depression, anxiety and stress respectively, on the other hand, the female sex presented greater depression, anxiety and stress than males (p=0.005). There is an association between mental health and the consumption of fruits, such as coconut (p=0.029), blueberries (p=0.005), watermelon (p=0.016) and banana (p=0.009), likewise no relationship was found with the consumption of vegetables (p>0.05).

Conclusion: There is a low consumption of fruits and vegetables in Health Sciences students, however, the fruits that decrease the level of depression, anxiety and stress were blueberry, cocona, watermelon and banana. It is necessary to improve and implement dissemination strategies for the consumption of fruits and vegetables which leads to improve mental and physical health.


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How to Cite

Gomez Rutti, Y. Y., León Lizama, R. D., Yllesca Ramos, A. G., Rosas Choo , C. B., & Vidal Huamán , F. G. (2024). Consumption of fruits, vegetables and mental health in health science students, Lima- Peru. Nutrición Clínica Y Dietética Hospitalaria, 44(2).



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